Over 47,000 Patients Relied On This Book Before, During & After Heart Valve Surgery

Each year, over 250,000 heart valve operations are performed for conditions including stenosis, regurgitation, prolapse and infection. In a recent survey, the majority of heart valve surgery patients stated that their expectations were "mismanaged - both before, during and after surgery."
The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery was written by Adam Pick, a double heart valve surgery patient featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today, to address these issues and to prepare you for the realities of cardiac surgery.
See 300+ Book Reviews from Patients and
World-Renowned Heart Doctors
See 300+ Book Reviews from Patients and World-Renowned Heart Doctors
Here are select patient reviews for The Patient’s Guide to Heart Valve Surgery. To see 300+ patient reviews, click here.
Here are select patient reviews for
The Patient’s Guide to Heart Valve Surgery.
To see 300+ patient reviews, click here.

"Incredibly accurate... This book helped relieve
my anxiety both before and after surgery!"
-- Jim Bonk (with wife Jeanne), patient
"Incredibly accurate... This book helped relieve my anxiety both before and after surgery!"
-- Jim Bonk (with wife Jeanne), patient

"The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery was instrumental
in helping me cope with the realities of surgery. Thank you Adam!"
-- Anita Devine, patient
"The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery
was instrumental in helping me cope
with the realities of surgery.
Thank you Adam!"
-- Anita Devine, patient

"Dear Adam: I am very impressed by what you have created.
I would love to have your ideas incorporated into the
conversation we seek to stimulate on my television show."
-- Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of 'The Dr. Oz Show'
"Dear Adam: I am very impressed by what you have created. I would love to have your ideas incorporated into the conversation we seek to stimulate on my television show."
-- Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of 'The Dr. Oz Show'
How Will This 200-Page Book Help You?
How Will This
200-Page Book Help You?
The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery is filled with unique information and advice from 135 patients, heart surgeons, cardiologists and nurses. After reading this book, you will know what to expect and how to manage those expectations.
Topics covered in this book:
- - Dispelling the fear of heart valve surgery
- - Understanding your diagnosis
- - The anatomy of your heart valves
- - Getting consensus from your cardiologists
- - Your surgical options
- - How to find the right surgeon for you
- - The costs of heart valve surgery
- - Dealing with insurance companies
- - Preparing your friends and family
- - Inside the pre-operating room
- - What happens during surgery
- - Waking up in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- - Your vent and chest tubes
- - Patient life in the hospital
- - Managing your recovery
- - The biggest pitfalls of cardiac surgery
- - Pills, pills and more pills
- - How to approach your homecoming
- - All about cardiac rehab
- - Tips and tricks for being alone
- Dispelling the fear of heart surgery
- Understanding your diagnosis
- The anatomy of your heart valves
- Getting consensus from your doctors
- Your surgical options
- How to find the right surgeon for you
- The costs of heart valve surgery
- Dealing with insurance companies
- Preparing your friends and family
- Inside the pre-operating room
- What happens during surgery
- Waking up in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Waking up in the (ICU)
- Your vent and chest tubes
- Patient life in the hospital
- Managing your recovery
- The biggest pitfalls of cardiac surgery
- Pills, pills and more pills
- How to approach your homecoming
- All about cardiac rehab
- Tips and tricks for being alone
About Adam Pick, the Author & Patient
Adam Pick is a double heart valve surgery patient, patient advocate and founder of HeartValveSurgery.com. In 2006, Adam started this website to help educate and empower patients with heart valve disease. Adam self-published The Patient’s Guide to Heart Valve Surgery and within six months, the book was helping patents in 50 countries around the world.
Adam Pick is a double heart valve surgery patient, patient advocate and founder of HeartValveSurgery.com.

In 2006, Adam started HeartValveSurgery.com to help educate and empower patients with heart valve disease. Adam self-published The Patient’s Guide to Heart Valve Surgery and within six months, the book was helping patents in 50 couutries around the world.
“As a patient, I know that heart valve surgery can be an emotional and physical roller coaster for patients, their family members and friends,” notes Adam. “To help you, I spoke with thousands of patients, doctors and nurses to develop the advice and the research presented in my book. I am thrilled that this book is helping so many patients around the world. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the book, there is a 100% money-back guarantee.” See 300+ book reviews.
“As a patient, I know that heart valve surgery can be an emotional and physical roller coaster for patients, their family members and friends,” notes Adam. “To help you, I spoke with thousands of patients, doctors and nurses to develop the advice and the research presented in my book. I am thrilled that this book is helping so many patients. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the book, there is a 100% money-back guarantee.” See 300+ book reviews.
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