Top 6 Questions About Dr. Roselli’s Internet Chat

By Adam Pick on July 6, 2010

My inbox is overflowing with great questions about Dr. Eric Roselli’s chat scheduled for today, Wednesday, July 7 at 2pm (EST). That said, I will use this blog to answer the six, most common questions about this special event:



QUESTION 1 – Can I still register for the event?
Answer: Yes, you can still register for the event. To sign-up for the event, simply click this link and follow the instructions.

QUESTION 2 – Is the online chat free? Or, do I need to pay?
Answer: The event is completely free for everybody.

QUESTION 3 – What phone number do I need to call? Can I listen over the Internet?
Answer: Dr. Roselli will be chatting over the computer – in an instant message setting. So, there is no phone number or audio equipment required for this event.

QUESTION 4 – Do I need special software to participate in the online chat? How do I download the software?
Answer: To participate in the online chat, you must have JAVA software installed on your computer. To test whether-or-not you have JAVA, simply click here. If you do not have JAVA installed on your computer, you can download the software by clicking here.

QUESTION 5 – When and how do I login to the interactive chat?
Answer: The Health Chat will open several hours prior to the 2pm (EST) start time. When you login to the event, please have your username and password handy. You most likely created your username and password when you registered for the event.

VERY IMPORTANT: Click this link to login to the event 10-15 minutes before 2pm (EST) on Wednesday. You will see an orange “Join” button at the bottom of the screen. Simply click the “Join” button (shown below) and enter your username and password.



Once you are logged in, you will automatically be redirected into the interactive chat screen. Here is a picture of the chat screen.



QUESTION 6 – Will a transcript of the chat be available if I can not attend the actual event?
Answer: Yes, we will post a free transcript 3-4 weeks following the online chat with Dr. Roselli.

Finally… For those people who have difficulty logging into the chat, the Cleveland Clinic team will be monitoring my blog during the chat. Should you experience any challenges, please submit your questions in the comments field below.

Please also note, however, due to the great interest in this chat, they may not be able to get to every question. That said, we may need to schedule another chat in the near future.

I hope that helps! I realize it is a tad confusing. However, I think this is a great opportunity to learn more about heart valve surgery from one of the best heart surgeons on the planet.

Keep on tickin!

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Mike Abrams says on July 6th, 2010 at 5:33 pm

Aloha Adam from Maui, HI,
Thanks for your wonderful book and website. I have been told my my cardiologist that I have a severe leak in my aortic valve, but for some reason, he does not think it looks too diseased upon each picture taken during my annual stress test. He monitors me twice per year. Dr. Allen said there is a chance that I may never need surgery as it does not effect my ability to excercise. Doc Allen says I was probably born with this defective valve and my heart has made adjustments through life to cope with this insufficiency. I am now 53 years old, and I do a lot of windsurfing and SUP paddle surfing. If I ever get short of breath, I know exactly what to do according to your book and Dr. Allen. I do have a quick question please.

Are we getting close to discovering or creating an artificial valve that will perform like teflon, which will nor require any anti-clogging pills to be taken daily?

Thanks for caring and making everyones’ heart disease just a little bit easier to cope with. I hope your own heart is just as healthy as it can be for many centuries to come. Best Aloha, Mike

Mark says on July 7th, 2010 at 1:17 pm

I get an error…

The chat server is down or not responding.

Adam Pick says on July 7th, 2010 at 1:20 pm

To Mark and the rest of you logging into the Health Chat with Dr. Roselli –

I just got off the phone with The Cleveland Clinic. Apparently, there is a temporary issue with the server that they are fixing right now. Please be patient. Once the matter is resolved, Dr. Roselli will be online. From what I understand he is typing answers to your questions right now.

I apologize for this inconvenience.

UPDATE: The chat server is back online. Please log into the chat now if you would like to participate. So you know, we will be posting a transcript of Dr. Roselli’s answers to your questions in the next few days.

Keep on tickin,

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