Dilated Aortic Root Progression: A Concern for Desmond?
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 18, 2022
I recently jumped on a Zoom with Desmond, a 33-year-old patient from Ireland who was just diagnosed with a dilated aortic root. Given the life-threatening concerns of aortic aneurysms, Desmond had several important questions. One of those questions was, “Will my dilated aortic root progress to need surgery?”
To provide Desmond an expert opinion, I was very lucky to interview Dr. Luis Castro about this very sensitive topic. As you may know, Dr. Castro is a long-time supporter of this website who has successfully treated over 200 heart valve patients from our community. Here is Dr. Castro’s response to Desmond’s question:
Many thanks to Desmond for his question and many thanks to Dr. Luis Castro for sharing his clinical insights and research with our patient community.
Keep on tickin!