Adam’s Updates Blog - Page 14
By Adam Pick
The Heart Valve Surgeon Finder Gets Enhanced Design, New Features
By Adam Pick on February 5, 2011
Hi everybody,
Holy Moly! The 47th Annual Society of Thoracic Surgeons Convention!
By Adam Pick on February 2, 2011
Five years after heart valve surgery, I find myself taking incredible steps on this journey of patient education, patient research and patient empowerment.
The Top 10 Heart Valve Surgery Blogs Of 2010!
By Adam Pick on December 31, 2010
During 2010, this global community of patients and caregivers actively discussed many topics that impacted our own, heart valve surgery experiences. That said, I just reviewed all 179 posts from 2010 to determine the “Top 10 Heart Valve Surgery Blogs of 2010”.
Hard To Believe… My Heart Valve Surgery Was 5 Years Ago Today?
By Adam Pick on December 21, 2010
It’s hard to believe that five years ago, at this precise moment, I was rolled into an operating room at USC Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. There, during a 3-hour procedure, Dr. Starnes performed an aortic and pulmonary valve replacement surgery that fixed my enlarged heart.
“Why Didn’t You Get Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery?” Asks Anne
By Adam Pick on December 8, 2010
I just received a very appropriate question from Anne about minimally invasive approaches to heart valve surgery. Anne writes, “Adam – Like you, I was diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis. I need an aortic valve replacement. Why didn’t you get a minimally invasive surgery? Thanks, Anne”
“Gobble! Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving!” From Ethan, Robyn & Me
By Adam Pick on November 24, 2010
Robyn, Ethan and I want to wish all of our friends in the United States a very “Happy Thanksgiving!”. And, even if you’re not from the U.S., we want you to know how grateful we are for you and your contribution to this caring community of patients, caregivers, cardiologists and surgeons.
“What Happens To My Pericardium During Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Bernie
By Adam Pick on October 31, 2010
I just received a very interesting question from Bernie about the pericardium and heart valve surgery.
On Halloween, Brad Pitt & Ethan Say, “Yoooo Gabba Gabba!”
By Adam Pick on October 31, 2010
Robyn, Ethan and I want to wish everybody a very happy and very safe Halloween!
“Will The Surgeon ‘Ice’ My Heart During Surgery?” Asks Alma
By Adam Pick on October 17, 2010
I just received an interesting question from Alma about a critical step during heart valve repair and heart valve replacement surgeries. Alma writes, “Adam – I’m going in for surgery next week. Thanks to your book, my anxiety has greatly decreased. I’m curious… I know my heart is going to be cooled and stopped during surgery. But, will my surgeon actually put ice on my bare heart? Alma”
“What Percent of Heart Valve Surgeries Are Re-Operations?” Asks Marc
By Adam Pick on September 14, 2010
I just received a very interesting email from Marc about heart valve surgery re-operations. He writes, “Adam, I’m an active 47 year-old just diagnosed with severe mitral regurgitation. I can’t help but think that I’ll need a 2nd surgery if I get a repair or a tissue valve. Do you know what percent of valve surgeries are re-operations? Are they primarily from surgical error or degenerative reasons? Thanks, Marc”
My Heart Remembers Scotty
By Adam Pick on September 11, 2010
As difficult as the memories of today can be, I always end up smiling in Scotty’s memory – his bubbly laugh, constant high fives and ability to see the good in everything around him.
Friday Fun: Blue Jean Diapers… Really?
By Adam Pick on September 3, 2010
Every once in a while I see a product that makes me think, “Huh?”, “What?”, “No way!”, “Can’t be!” and “Really?” The last time I had that thought was when the marketeers at Chia America released… Chia Obama.
My Blog Gets A Facelift… Your Thoughts?
By Adam Pick on August 25, 2010
Over the past 4 years, many of you have written me with excellent and innovative suggestions for improving this website. As a result, we have created some great new services including the Heart Valve Surgeon Database and Heart Valve Journals.
Off-Topic: World’s Most Embarrassing Typo?
By Adam Pick on August 13, 2010
Well, here’s something to make your old English teacher gasp in horror…
Rapid Growth Continues At Heart Valve Journals… Thanks To Trevor & Company!
By Adam Pick on July 7, 2010
If you have yet to visit our new social network, Heart Valve Journals, I would encourage you to stop by. Since launching this new community, thousands of patients and caregivers have used this online network to meet, support and stay in-touch with each other.
Be Still My Beating Heart…
By Adam Pick on July 2, 2010
I am a huge fan of all types of music – from classic rock to jazz to country to opera to new age. I even play a few instruments including the guitar and bass.
Thank You, Media Planet & The Chicago Tribune
By Adam Pick on June 30, 2010
As strange as this sounds… In today’s edition of The Chicago Tribune I find myself on the cover of an educational magazine titled “Cardiovascular Care”.
Friday Fun: Why Do Boys Need Their Parents?
By Adam Pick on June 25, 2010
As many of you know, I’m a newbie when it comes to parenting. As Ethan, my first child is 15 months old now, Robyn (my wife) and I are continuously learning about our new roles as “Mah-Mah” and “Dah-Dah” every day. Along the way, I think Ethan (shown below) may be learning a thing or two from us as well.