Before Surgery Blog - Page 2
By Adam Pick
“Should I Get A Teeth Cleaning Before Heart Surgery?” Asks Karen
By Adam Pick on June 25, 2010
I just received an interesting question from Karen about teeth cleaning before heart surgery.
“Incision Site Or Full Body Shave?” Asks Shirley
By Adam Pick on April 19, 2010
I just received an interesting question from Shirley about hair removal prior to heart valve surgery.
“Any Last Words To Calm My Fears?” Asks Carole
By Adam Pick on December 24, 2009
Carole just sent me an email that touches on a common, patient emotion prior to surgery… fear.
“Did You Travel For Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Carol
By Adam Pick on September 25, 2009
I just received a great question from Carol about traveling for heart valve surgery.
“What Happens During A Transesophageal Echocardiogram?” Asks Sophie
By Adam Pick on September 5, 2009
I just received a great, follow-up question about medical tests used to diagnose heart valve disease from Sophie.
“Did You Get An M.R.I. Before Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Gregg
By Adam Pick on August 23, 2009
Through your stories and my ongoing research, I have learned that properly diagnosing heart valve disease can be tricky. That said, I always encourage patients to get a second opinion prior to any surgical treatment (if possible).
“Did You Exercise Before Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Leticia
By Adam Pick on August 10, 2009
I just received a great question from Leticia about exercise prior to heart valve surgery.
Cordarone Before Heart Valve Surgery… Can You Help Bedora?
By Adam Pick on July 20, 2009
Bedora just sent me an interesting question about the use of Cordarone before heart surgery. If you are unfamiliar with Cordarone, this drug is used as an anti-arrhythmic. It works by stabilizing the heart rhythm in conditions in which the heart is beating too fast or in an irregular rhythm.
“Can Medication Treat My Heart Valve Disease?” Asks Jimmy
By Adam Pick on July 6, 2009
Jimmy just sent me a great question about the use of medications to treat heart valve disease.
“At 82, Is My Mom Too Old For Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Barbara
By Adam Pick on July 3, 2009
I just received a very appropriate email from Barbara about her mother who is suffering from severe aortic heart valve stenosis.
The ‘Other Side’ Of Patient & Caregiver Fear
By Adam Pick on May 18, 2009
I receive many each day about heart valve surgery, from both patients and caregivers. Unfortunately, many of these emails begin with opening statements like:
“What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Heart Valve Problems?” Asks Donna
By Adam Pick on April 26, 2009
I just received an interesting email from Donna about the signs and symptoms of heart valve problems.
Does A Heart Valve Heal Itself?
By Adam Pick on April 22, 2009
Kenny writes to me, “Hi Adam – My grandma needs open heart surgery, according to my parents. They tell me she has mitral regurgitation and it’s really bad. I’m curious to know, “Can a heart valve heal itself?”. What do you think? Kenny”
“Were You Anxious Before Heart Surgery?” Asks Ann
By Adam Pick on January 22, 2009
If you have an anxious personality, please consider the following…
Ken Suggests Echocardiogram Alternatives For Valve Disease Diagnosis
By Adam Pick on December 10, 2008
As you may know, many patients and caregivers stress the importance of getting a second opinion prior to surgery. Without a doubt, second opinions are a critical step for validating or challenging a primary diagnosis of valvular diseases including mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis.
“What Is A Normal Ejection Fraction Value?” Asks Simone
By Adam Pick on November 25, 2008
I just received a question from Simone about her 66-year old father. Her email reads, “Hi Adam – My father was just diagnosed with severe mitral regurgitation. This is a very stressful time. His cardiologist rattled off a bunch of terms and numbers which suggested valve replacement. One of those terms was ejection fraction (I think). What does that mean? Are there normal ejection fraction values? Is there a normal ejection fraction range? Thanks, Simone”
Julie’s Blood Bank Concerns, Remorse And Advice
By Adam Pick on November 12, 2008
I just received an email from Julie that contains several, ongoing concerns specific to blood banks and heart valve surgery. If you are a patient or caregiver preparing for heart surgery, I encourage you to continue reading this post.
Mike’s Testimonial For Getting Second Opinions BEFORE Heart Surgery
By Adam Pick on November 11, 2008
Yes, I’m going to keep stressing this point for all the future patients and caregivers reading this blog…
Top 5 INVISIBLE Things Patients Should Bring To The Hospital
By Adam Pick on October 29, 2008
The day before patients enter the hospital, they usually pack a travel bag.
Patient Dilemma: Watch and Wait? Or, Roll The Dice?
By Adam Pick on October 6, 2008
It’s a troublesome, patient dilemma..