Mitral Regurgitation Blog - Page 2
By Adam Pick
“How Quickly Can Mitral Regurgitation Progress?” Asks Julie
By Adam Pick on February 8, 2012
I just received a great question from Julie about the progression of mitral regurgitation.
“Can A Patient With Three Leaking Heart Valves Still Have A Healthy Heart?” Asks Janelle
By Adam Pick on December 12, 2011
As a double heart valve surgery patient, I found Janelle’s recent question very interesting.
Heart Valve Summit Video #3: “What Is The Most Important Diagnostic Element To Consider PRIOR To Mitral Valve Surgery?” Asks Ken
By Adam Pick on November 4, 2011
I don’t know about you… But, when I was diagnosed with severe heart valve disease, I experienced several dislocating emotions. One of those emotions was confusion. As my cardiologist reviewed my echocardiogram, he used medical terms that were foreign to me.
“Is It Common To Have Mitral Regurgitation & Atrial Fibrillation?” Asks Donny
By Adam Pick on July 5, 2011
I received a great email from Donny about atrial fibrillation and heart valve surgery. Donny asked me, “Adam – I’ve suffered from a-fib longer than I can remember. Now, I need mitral valve surgery due to mitral regurgitation. My heart is already dilated. Am I an anomaly or this common?”
“Even Though I’m Already Diagnosed With Mitral Regurgitation, Is It Possible I Will Never Need Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Debby
By Adam Pick on May 9, 2011
While at the Mitral Conclave, I was fortunate to meet with Dr. Kevin Accola, a leading mitral valve surgeon from Orlando, Florida. During our discussion, I asked Dr. Accola a question submitted by Debby about mitral valve repair. (Click here to learn about mitral valve repair operations.)
“Will I Need A Mitral Valve Repair Or A Mitral Valve Replacement?” Asks Barbara
By Adam Pick on April 7, 2011
A common consideration among patients preparing for valvular treatment is whether or not they will get a heart valve repair or a heart valve replacement.
“Should Asymptomatic Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Mitral Regurgitation Have Surgery?” With Dr. David Adams
By Adam Pick on March 15, 2011
Recently, I received a great question from John Myers about asymptomatic patients with mitral regurgitation. John wrote to me, “Hi Adam, I’m 76 and in good shape. In 1999, I was diagnosed with moderate-to-severe regurgitation even though I have NO physical symptoms. I’ve read that some surgeons believe having mitral valve repair sooner than later is preferable. Should I be worried? Should I get a second opinion? Thanks, John”
“How Much Does A Heart Valve Echocardiogram Cost?” Asks Ken
By Adam Pick on March 1, 2011
Ken just sent me a financial question about the cost of an echocardiogram. He writes, “Adam – A few years back, I was diagnosed with moderate mitral valve regurgitation. Since then, I lost my job and my health insurance. Lately, I’ve experienced shortness of breath and fatigue. Do you know how much a heart valve echocardiogram costs? I’m nervous and curious to see if my mitral valve prolapse has gotten worse? Thanks, Ken”
“What Does Heart Valve Regurgitation Sound Like?” Asks Dawn
By Adam Pick on September 5, 2010
I just received a question from Dawn about her recent diagnosis of mitral regurgitation.
Mitral Valve Regurgitation Diagnostic Tool From The Cleveland Clinic
By Adam Pick on March 17, 2010
Hi everybody,
What Does Heart Valve Disease Sound Like?
By Adam Pick on February 21, 2010
One of the primary exams used to detect heart valve disease involves the stethoscope.
Mitral Valve Prolapse And Panic Attacks?
By Adam Pick on May 31, 2009
Janice has a question about mitral valve prolapse and panic attacks.
Jenny Garth Reveals Leaky Heart Valve Diagnosis
By Adam Pick on May 27, 2009
It seems like 2009 could be “The Year Of The Celebrity Heart Valve Patient”.
Mitral Regurgitation Forces Malaysian Sultan Into Heart Valve Repair Surgery
By Adam Pick on May 4, 2009
The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, is in stable condition after a 10-hour open-heart surgery on Saturday at the Stanford University Medical Centre in Palo Alto, California.
“Mitral Valve Prolapse Diagram… Do You Have One?” Asks Tanya
By Adam Pick on February 20, 2009
I could be wrong but I think the cliche goes something like, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” While I’m not a fan of cliches, I am a fan of this one – especially when it comes to understanding heart valve surgery.
Does Mitral Valve Prolapse Impact Men And Women Differently?
By Adam Pick on December 4, 2008
I was just reading the Annals of Internal Medicine when I came across an interesting article about mitral valve prolapse and its impact upon men and women. The summary (below) is from a report titled “Sex Differences in Morphology and Outcomes of Mitral Valve Prolapse”.
Echocardiogram Video for Mitral Valve Prolapse With Mitral Regurgitation
By Adam Pick on October 8, 2008
Matthew has an interesting, video request…
Mitral Leaflet Anatomy, Problems & Pictures
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Page last updated: May 16, 2024
I just received an email from Barbara regarding heart valve anatomy, specifically her mitral leaflets.
“Mitral Valve Prolapse, Anxiety And Chestpain?” asks Cindy
By Adam Pick on September 27, 2008
As we have previously discussed, there are a number of symptoms related to mitral valve prolapse. However, Cindy just wrote me an interesting email about whether-or-not anxiety is a symptom of MVP.
“What Is The Mitral Valve Annulus?” Asks Dana
By Adam Pick on September 2, 2008
Some patients want to know EVERYTHING before their operation – the valve anatomy, the surgical process, the recovery details. Other patients want to know absolutely NOTHING about their upcoming surgery. Many say to me, “Honestly Adam, I don’t want to know a thing. The more I know, the more I will worry.”