Patient Stories Blog - Page 12
By Adam Pick
After Ross Procedure, Garrison Doing Great!!!
By Adam Pick on January 28, 2009
I just received the most fantastic picture of 5-year old Garrison Griffith. His mother, Vanessa, sent me this picture along with a very reassuring note about her son’s heart valve surgery.
A Loose Alfieri Stitch Does Not Stop Leslie’s One-Year Anniversary Celebration!
By Adam Pick on January 27, 2009
I just received an anniversary note from Leslie Lafayette in California. I thought you might like to read how she is doing one year after robotic mitral valve repair surgery.
Roy’s Heart Valve Update: From Dubai To London To Glasgow
By Adam Pick on January 13, 2009
From no symptoms in Dubai to aortic valve replacement in London. Here is an interesting patient story from Roy:
After Mitral Valve Repair Operation, Joanne Cruises With Barely Visible Scar
By Adam Pick on January 9, 2009
Some patients simply have “It”. The “It” is an incredibly positive attitude towards open heart surgery.
Robin’s Mitral Valve Repair In India (VIDEO)
By Adam Pick on January 3, 2009
The term medical tourism is relatively new. But, more and more, I am hearing of patients traveling to places like India for surgical procedures including heart valve repair and heart valve replacement.
Lisa’s Mitral Valve Repair, Blood Transfusions and… Christmas Shopping
By Adam Pick on December 24, 2008
This email just came in from Lisa, a registered nurse from Colorado, who had mitral valve repair surgery less than two weeks ago. I thought you might appreciate reading about Lisa’s experience, her attitude toward heart surgery and her early recovery. Here is what she wrote:
Mayor David Dinkins Had Heart Valve Replacement Surgery in 2008
By Adam Pick on December 16, 2008
Former New York Mayor David Dinkins joined the growing list of public figures requiring heart valve replacement surgery. According to reports, Mayor Dinkins is recovering in a Manhattan hospital following valve replacement surgery.
Nurse Julie Asks About Aortic Valve Surgery, Symptoms And Female Scars For Her Daughter
By Adam Pick on December 4, 2008
Something wonderful comes over me when I receive a thoughtful email from a loving caregiver.
Brian Drives Past Cardiac Depression And Heart Palpitations
By Adam Pick on November 28, 2008
There is nothing better than receiving inspirational, patient success stories from my readers.
Rodney Dangerfield Gets Some Respect… Way Before Heart Valve Replacement Surgery
By Adam Pick on October 27, 2008
Rodney Dangerfield, who played the role of Al Czervik in the cult-classic Caddyshack, is still quoted when my family and I need a laugh. During the 1980s, we huddled around our high-tech, Betamax movie system to watch this legendary actor in the incredibly funny, golf comedy co-starring Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and Ted Knight.
Patient Receives $9.8 Million Malpractice Verdict In Heart Valve Lawsuit
By Adam Pick on October 14, 2008
I stress A LOT of things for patients to “watch out for” as they prepare for heart valve surgery. One of the most critical, potential pitfalls in this complex process is poor surgeon selection. As we all know, there is risk in any type of surgery. But, finding the right cardiac surgeon (with extensive experience) can minimize that risk.
Karen’s “Best Piece Of Advice” For Patients
By Adam Pick on October 12, 2008
Over the years, I have collected many insightful and inspirational quotes from patients about their heart valve surgery procedures. Personally, I learned A LOT from former patients as I prepared for my own aortic valve replacement. Receiving direct advice from patients really helped me understand the potential ups and downs of heart surgery.
Gloria’s Mismanaged Patient Expectations
By Adam Pick on October 10, 2008
Every few days, I receive a detailed email that illustrates just how poorly patients can be prepared for the realities of cardiac surgery.
Lynn’s 700-Mile Bicycle Ride After Heart Valve Replacement Surgery
By Adam Pick on October 6, 2008
This is a great, inspirational story about Lynn, mitral valve replacement and his bike. Lynn writes…
The Genetics Of Valve Disease… Like Father, Like Son?
By Adam Pick on October 5, 2008
The genetic links of heart valve disease are fairly well documented.
After Heart Valve Replacement, Etan Thomas Readies NBA Return To Wizards
By Adam Pick on October 2, 2008
When it comes to heart valve disease, professional athletes are just like us. We have heart valve surgery. Guess what? They have heart valve surgery.
Greg’s Rather Comical Inquiry Into Median Sternotomy (Plus Video)
By Adam Pick on September 21, 2008
Every once-and-a-while, I receive patient email that is both curious and comical. This email, from Greg (in Oregon), qualifies as one of those special emails…
Thoracotomy Vs. Sternotomy For Vicki’s Mitral Valve Surgery… Any Female Perspectives?
By Adam Pick on September 16, 2008
Vicki (pictured below) recently sent me a question regarding her upcoming mitral valve surgery. While I have some ideas for Vicki, we thought it might be helpful for Vicki to gather feedback from other patients – especially females. That said… Do you have any thoughts for Vicki? Here is what she writes:
In Memory Of Young, Smiling Sasha Bartin
By Adam Pick on September 16, 2008
I just read this tragic story from The Telegraph in the United Kingdom. My thoughts and prayers are with Sasha, her family and her friends.