Patient Stories Blog - Page 3
By Adam Pick
Tapan “2.0” Rises After Heart Valve Surgery!
By Adam Pick on August 17, 2020
It never gets old. The joy. The happiness. That special feeling when I open my email and see a patient success story from the community.
Mother & Son Share Special Heart Surgery Bond Thanks to Dr. Marc Gillinov!
By Adam Pick on June 17, 2020
There is nothing better than an extraordinary patient success story. For example, this story of Kathy Chelton, Carter Chelton (her son), and Dr. Marc Gillinov (their surgeon) made me smile from ear-to-ear. Here is what Kathy, from Liberty, Missouri, wrote to me:
After Heart Surgery, Frank Wins Pickleball Silver Medal At National Championships
By Adam Pick on April 15, 2020
I love when patients in our community send me their success stories. For example, Frank Collura just brought a smile to my face. Here’s what Frank emailed me:
In These Difficult Times… John & Larry Inspire Us
By Adam Pick on March 21, 2020
During these challenging times of uncertainty, confusion and disbelief caused by COVID-19, I was lucky to just experience an unexpected and inspirational moment thanks to John Roland and Larry Manshel.
10-Year Heart Surgery Anniversary Reunion in Florida!
By Adam Pick on February 27, 2020
My heart warms anytime the patients in our community connect in person. I love seeing their smiling faces. I love seeing their hugs. I love knowing that their friendships continue into the future as their valve disease fades to the past.
After Heart Surgery… John, His Robe & His Yellow Socks Inspire 4,700 Facebook Likes!
By Adam Pick on January 14, 2020
Thanks to John O’Neill, the new year could not have started any better for our community.
Guest Blog: 6 Years After Heart Valve Surgery, Jim is a Track-and-Field Success!
By Adam Pick on November 12, 2019
The favorite part of my work as a patient advocate is connecting with the wonderful patients in our community.
Skydiver, Bill Legard, Jumps For An Edwards INSPIRIS RESILIA Heart Valve Replacement
By Adam Pick on October 29, 2019 - This blog is sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences.
Bill Legard is a very active 59-year old. He’s a skydiver, a pilot, an entrepreneur and Bill makes parachutes for a living. On a recent hike in Indonesia, Bill struggled with shortness of breath. His cardiologist diagnosed Bill with severe aortic stenosis, a life-threatening form of heart valve disease.
Tennis Enthusiast, John Persinger, Celebrates Surgeon with “Team Gerdisch” T-Shirts!
By Adam Pick on August 6, 2019
Shortly after sharing this post about a cow valve replacement t-shirt, our Facebook page went bonkers with over 1,600 Facebook Likes.
Susan & Her INSPIRIS RESILIA Valve Go Viral!
By Adam Pick on August 1, 2019
The support and the encouragement that the patients in our community provide each other is simply amazing!
Move Over Taylor Swift! David Sets New Fashion Trend!
By Adam Pick on June 20, 2019
Ya just gotta see it… To love it.
Yoga Enthusiast, Jean Frank, Is Our 1st Low-Risk TAVR Patient Success Story!
By Adam Pick on May 16, 2019
With all the great results coming out about the low-risk TAVR clinical trials, I am very excited to share the patient success story of Jean Frank.
One Thumb-Up, A Red Pillow & 9,500 Facebook Likes for John!
By Adam Pick on March 19, 2019
Mava’s Smiling Scar Selfie Inspires 7,300 Facebook Likes!
By Adam Pick on February 16, 2019
Many, many, many thanks to Mava Reif, from Saint Cloud, Florida, for inspiring our community!
Sara Educates & Inspires 38,443 People About Heart Valve Surgery!
By Adam Pick on January 17, 2019
I need to take a quick minute to thank Sara Colosimo for sharing her journey to a healthy heart with our community!!! If you have yet to visit Sara’s Heart Valve Journal, now is your chance.
Remembering Fran Zilko (1939 – 2018)
By Adam Pick on December 4, 2018
On behalf of our community… I am sending thoughts, prayers, condolences and love to the family and friends of Fran Zilko. I was soooo very sad to learn that Fran, who had successful aortic valve replacement surgery in 2010, passed away after a fall and issues with her kidneys, lungs and heart. Born in 1939, Fran was a nurse, a wife to Peter, a mother to Christine, Teresa and Stephen, and a grandmother to Michael, Katya and Frances.
Heart Valve CareLine Helps Save Bob’s Life!
By Adam Pick on October 3, 2018
Bob Taylor was running out of time. His heart valve disease was worsening and his insurance company just denied him a life-saving operation. Then, Bob’s daughter heard about the Heart Valve CareLine. This is Bob’s extraordinary story.
Why Did 100 Patients & Care Partners Get a Standing Ovation at Patient Day 2018 at Edwards Lifesciences in Irvine, California?
By Adam Pick on September 17, 2018 - This blog is sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences.
Something special recently happened. More than 100 patients and their care partners traveled to Edwards Lifesciences, a leading heart valve manufacturer in Irvine, California, to meet each other, to share their stories and to inspire action within our community – the heart valve patient community.
Special Guest Post: 5 Steps To Prepare for Heart Surgery by Peggy Huddleston
By Adam Pick on July 19, 2018
For years, I’ve heard about the fantastic, mind-body techniques of Peggy Huddleston. Many patients in our community, like Gina Fiorentino, have raved to me about the benefits of Peggy’s book, “Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster”. In addition, several cardiac centers – including Brigham & Women’s Hospital and NYU Langone Medical Center – recommend Peggy’s CD and MP3 to patients.