Patient Stories Blog - Page 6
By Adam Pick
My Thoughts & Prayers Are With Natalie!
By Adam Pick on June 27, 2013
There is nothing better than hearing from the patients and caregivers within our community.
Theresa Reaches Another Milestone In Her Recovery From Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery
By Adam Pick on May 31, 2013
As you might remember, Theresa LoMonaco shared a recovery update with us last July. Well, it’s ten months later, and Theresa has good news to share. Here is what she writes to me:
Joann Just Made My Day… My Year!
By Adam Pick on May 17, 2013
I really appreciate hearing from the patients and caregivers in our community. Your emails and your phone calls are beyond heart warming (pun intended). That said, I just received an update from Joann Heindorf, a 78-year old patient from Florida, that was simply… extraordinary.
Lil’ Victor Readies For 3rd Heart Surgery
By Adam Pick on April 28, 2013
In 2010, we donated $5,000 to the Gift of Life to help pay for the cardiac surgery of Victor Saravia, an incredibly cute, one-year old boy from El Salvador. The procedure — that was performed by Dr. John Morales at Driscoll Hospital at Corpus Cristi, Texas — was a success and Victor went home to his family.
Another Spring Break… Another Heart Valve Journals Reunion in Florida
By Adam Pick on April 19, 2013
This is just great.
Medical Mission Update #4: Ramona & Junior Get A “Second Chance” At Life In The Dominican Republic
By Adam Pick on March 22, 2013
The joy I experienced on Day One of the Medical Mission amplified on the second day — as two patients, with severely leaking heart valves, underwent mitral valve repair surgery in the Dominican Republic.
After Giving Birth to Olivia, Sara Readies for Aortic Valve Replacement and Aorta Repair Surgery
By Adam Pick on March 10, 2013
Over the years, I have been very fortunate to know Sara Bloomfield. I first shared Sara’s story in 2011 — after Sara and her husband, Matt, became pregnant while closely monitoring her bicuspid aortic valve, dilated aorta and coarctation of the descending aorta. Then, in 2012, we celebrated the birth of their daughter, Olivia.
Robert, The Elk Hunter, Celebrates 5th Anniversary After Surgery!
By Adam Pick on February 23, 2013
I just received another patient success story. In this update, Robert Green, celebrates his 5th anniversary after a re-implantation of his aortic valve and aortic root replacement. (The procedure is also known as a valve-sparing operation or a David Procedure.)
Yep! That’s Mitch Running A Half-Marathon After Aortic Valve Replacement!
By Adam Pick on February 2, 2013
Since launching this website 6 years ago, Mitch Friedman has stood out as an extraordinary members of patient and caregiver community. As many of you know, Mitch has provided both on-line and off-line support to many, many, many patients searching for answers and guidance about heart valve surgery.
Angie Feels 15 Younger After Mitral Valve Repair Thanks To Dr. Gerdisch
By Adam Pick on January 24, 2013
The patient success stories and surgeon testimonials continue to roll in. This time, Angie Gregory sent me a fantastic update following her mitral valve repair surgery.
Three Years After Mitral Valve Repair, Patricia Considers Her Surgery A Blessing
By Adam Pick on January 15, 2013
I just received a great, 3-year anniversary update from Patricia Shabel of Los Angeles, California. Patricia had a mitral valve repair operation after being diagnosed with a heart murmur and a leaky valve over 40 years ago.
48 Hours After Heart Valve Surgery, Eric Proposes To Justine At The Cleveland Clinic!
By Adam Pick on December 20, 2012
Since launching this website 6 years ago, the patients within our community have touched, moved and inspired me with their extraordinary stories.
Three Years After Aortic Valve Replacement, Leo Transforms Into A “Sprint” Triathlete
By Adam Pick on November 2, 2012
There’s nothing better than opening an email and reading a patient success story.
Shelly Celebrates Her First Anniversary After Mitral Valve Repair!
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Page Last Updated: February 28, 2025
I’ve said it before and, hopefully, I will be saying it again…. I love hearing from the patients in our community after their surgeries!
Jeff Travels Over 2,000 Miles For A Mitral Valve Repair Guarantee
By Adam Pick on September 17, 2012
Hearing from you — the patients and caregivers of our community — continues to be my favorite part of running this website. That said, I just received a great patient success story from Jeff Adams of Seattle, Washington.
“Happy Anniversary!” To Robert Following Bicuspid Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery
By Adam Pick on August 9, 2012
I wanted to extend a big “Happy Anniversary!” to Robert Anderson from Groton, Massachusetts. As you can read in his note below, Robert had a congenital bicuspid aortic valve that needed to be replaced. Here is more from Robert about his journey and his celebration:
Patient Update: 5 Years After Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery, Jim Is ‘Not Putting Things Off’
By Adam Pick on August 3, 2012
My inbox continues to receive success stories from patients all over the world — especially after Theresa’s recent post.
Denise and Connie, Heart Valve Journals Sisters, Connect At Cleveland Clinic
By Adam Pick on July 20, 2012
First, it was Jim and Jeff at Mount Sinai. Then, it was Cheryl and the Florida Valve Reunion. Next, it was Tom and Trent at The Heart Hospital. This time, it’s Denise and Connie at the Cleveland Clinic.
Guest Blog: Deb Offers A Spouse’s Perspective On Heart Valve Surgery
By Adam Pick on June 29, 2012
In addition to talking with patients, I’m often afforded the privilege of speaking with their caregivers. Over the past several months, I’ve been trading emails and chatting on the phone with Deb. Her husband, Fred, was recently diagnosed with a severely leaking mitral valve.
Tom & Trent Connect at The Heart Hospital After Mitral Valve Repair, Maze Procedure and Seroma
By Adam Pick on June 26, 2012
It continues to amaze me how Heart Valve Journals is connecting patients online and offline.