About Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy,
Heart Valve Surgeon

Hello! My name is Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy and I am a cardiac surgeon having graduated from Universite de Montreal in 2000. To date, I have performed approximately 2,500 cardiac surgeries, of which 1,800 involved heart valve procedures. I regularly perform surgery at The Mount Sinai Hospital. Read more...

Video About Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy

63 Patient Reviews for
Dr. El-Hamamsy

"Dr. El-Hamamsy and team saved my life. I met with Dr. El-Hamamsy on a Wednesday and was direct admitted to the hospital that day.

From my first interaction with him, I could tell he was different. He actually cared. He cared about me, my life, my family, and wanted me to succeed. On Friday, I was rushed to the ICU due to endocarditis, which as a 34 year-old, was extremely terrifying. His entire team was by my side everyday, and even wheeled me down to the ICU - what doctor does that?!

On Monday, I underwent the Ross Procedure, and Dr. El-Hamamsy and team got rid of my infection, cleared up my aortic aneurism, and on the following Friday I had a pacemaker put in. After 13 days in the hospital, I was discharged, and as strange as this sounds, I actually miss the team. They showed me such love and empathy, which as a lifelong heart patient, I had never experienced before. It's clear Dr. El-Hamamsy is the "best of the best" when it comes to surgery, but his entire team is also the best of the best when it comes to being a human being. In the time since I still have regular check-ins and text with Roberto Galao-Malo who monitors me.

Dr. El-Hamamsy saw me at my lowest of lows, but also recognized that I still have potential and just wanted me to achieve my dreams. When I asked him how I could ever thank him, he said, "live life to the fullest". It does not get better than that."

-- Zachary Gotlib, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 11/16/2024

"I was born with a unicuspid aortic valve. We have known about the condition since birth and I have been followed regularly by my cardiologists in Oklahoma and Virginia my whole life. I learned in May that I would need to replace the valve and began researching the types of procedures available to me and the surgeon best suited to fix my life long defect. I met with several surgeons.

I knew immediately upon meeting him, that Dr. El-Hamamsy would be my surgeon and I would undergo the Ross procedure . We met on zoom for my consultation and I felt at ease almost instantly. I was quite nervous. He listened. He smiled. He took the time to answer all of my questions. He was incredibly knowledgeable about my medical history and shared his thoughts on timelines, procedures, and recovery. I felt instantaneously as I had not only met my doctor, but a new friend. His wonderful office manager, Leemor Selitto, kept in contact with me over the next few months with not only helpful information but a kindness and support I truly needed. She is another new friend I will cherish.

When I arrived in New York, I was greeted with hugs and that same kindness was shared throughout the days leading up to and after the procedure. My procedure was a success. The doctors that cared for me are top notch-the best of the best. I will forever be grateful to Dr. El Hamamsy, Dr. Lilyanne Chen (who is not only brilliant-but kind) and Roberto Galao-Malo (who continues to monitor me and is an unbelievable support post surgery. He is patient... brilliant -I can only imagine how many patients he takes care of post surgery and I feel like I am the only one). I highly recommend this medical team.

Whether you live close to NYC or far away-it was worth the travel to be cared for by this unbelievable group. I will forever be grateful for their care. "

-- Carrie Leonard, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 10/15/2024

> See 61 more patient testimonials

My Specialities &
Clinical Interests

My heart surgery specialties include:

  • Ross procedure
  • Valve-sparing aortic root replacement
  • Aortic valve repair

In addition, I have research and clinical interests specific to:

  • Aortic aneurysms and connective tissue disease
  • Long-term outcomes of aortic reconstructive surgery
  • Innovative aortic surgical approaches

Education, Training & Certificates

Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy, heart surgeon, graduated from Universite de Montreal in 2000.

After medical school, Dr. El-Hamamsy completed an extensive Cardiac Surgery Residency at University de Montreal, within the Montreal Heart Institute, in 2006.

Then, Dr. El-Hamamsy completed a special doctorate program, The Living Aortic Valve, under the supervision of world-renowned heart surgeon, Sir Magdi Yacoub, at the Imperial College London in the United Kingdom.

Dr. El-Hamamsy is one of the leading Ross Procedure specialists as he recently completed his 400th Ross Procedure.

Schedule Appointment
with Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy, MD

To schedule an appointment with Dr. El-Hamamsy, you can:

The office of Dr. El-Hamamsy is located at 1190 Fifth Avenue, New York City, NY 10029. To get driving directions to this office, please click the map below.

> Click for driving directions to Dr. El-Hamamsy’s office.

Watch Educational Videos with Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy

Learn about heart valve surgery from Dr. El-Hamamsy in these videos:

  • Surgeon Q&A: 4 Must-Know Facts About The Ross Procedure
  • Research Alert: Ross Procedure Leads to Improved Survival Benefit for Aortic Valve Patients
  • Ross Procedure Advantages for Aortic Valve Replacement with Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy & Dr. Paul Stelzer

Page last updated: February 12, 2025