Dr. Kenneth McCurry
Dr. Kenneth McCurry
Heart Surgeon
9500 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44195
About Dr. Kenneth McCurry,
Heart Valve Surgeon
Hello! My name is Dr. Kenneth McCurry and I am a cardiac surgeon having graduated from University of Florida College of Medicine in 1987. Cleveland Clinic performs more than 4,500 heart surgeries each year. All Cleveland Clinic cardiac surgeons complete between 300-400 cardiac cases per year. Read more...
13 Patient Reviews for
Dr. McCurry
"The procedure was quick, I was out of the ICU the next morning, out of the hospital on post op day 4 and home on day 7. Dr. McCurry gave a good explanation of the procedure and what to expect."
-- Edward Leahy, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Mini Sternotomy, 10/13/2022
"Dr. Kenneth McCurry... I will never forget him. He saved my life. I was so sick NO! Other Dr. would do my surgery. They said it was high rise and they didn’t believe I would make it. Dr. McCurry he felt the same. I told one the other Dr.’s I can’t remember his name to tell Dr. McCurry to please do my surgery. The surgery was very high risk because of the complications. August / 29/ 2020 I went in to surgery. Dr. McCurry asked me if I knew that the surgery was high rise I told him yes but with God doing his part and you do your part everything is going to be alright and he said let’s go, and here I am Today by God’s grace and Dr. McCurry’s gift of life. I have a second chance at life. Thank you Jesus!!! And thank you so very much Dr. Kerry McCurry May God bless you and your family! Yours sincerely Mrs. Denise L. Lawson. We have a life saving anniversary coming up Dr. McCurry 08/29/2020 I will remember you in my prayers 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼"
-- Denise Lawson, Aortic Valve, 08/29/2019
My Specialities &
Clinical Interests
My heart surgery specialties include:
- Mitral Valve Repair
- Aortic Valve Surgery
- Triscupid Valve Repair
In addition, I have research and clinical interests specific to:
- Outcomes Following Aortic or Mitral Valve Surgery and High Risk Mitral Valve Surgery
- Mitral Valve Surgery in Heart Failure, Transplantation Tolerance
- Lung and Heart Ischemia Reperfusion Injury
Education, Training & Certificates
Dr. Kenneth McCurry, heart surgeon, graduated from University of Florida College of Medicine in 1987.
Schedule Appointment
with Dr. Kenneth McCurry, MD
To schedule an appointment with Dr. McCurry, you can:
- Call (888) 889-6546 right now
- Request an appointment
The office of Dr. McCurry is located at 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195. To get driving directions to this office, please click the map below.
> Click for driving directions to Dr. McCurry’s office.
News & Online References Featuring Dr. Kenneth McCurry
Here is the latest news featuring Dr. Kenneth McCurry:
Page last updated: August 14, 2023