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Florida (4 Surgeons found)
Dr. Kevin Landolfo
Mayo Clinic Florida
4500 San Pablo Rd South
Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 569-9893
4500 San Pablo Rd South
Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 569-9893
Gainesville, FL (32610)
Tampa, FL (33606)
Jacksonville, FL (32224)
St. Petersburg, FL (33701)
Search Summary
St. Petersburg, FL, United States
Valve ReplacementSearch again

Valve Repair
A valve repair is used to correct a structural defect in the shape and functioning of the valve. Valve repair can usually be done on congenital valve defects (defects you are born with) and has a good success record with treating valve defects. Procedures for valve repair include commissurotomy, valvuloplasty, reshaping, decalcification and patching.