Surgeon Finder
Search Results
New York (17 Surgeons found)
Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy
The Mount Sinai Hospital
1190 Fifth Avenue
New York City, NY 10029
(516) 260-4180
1190 Fifth Avenue
New York City, NY 10029
(516) 260-4180
Dr. Isaac George
Columbia University Medical Center
177 Fort Washington Avenue
New York City, NY 10032
(516) 259-6953
177 Fort Washington Avenue
New York City, NY 10032
(516) 259-6953
Dr. Craig Smith
Columbia University Medical Center
177 Fort Washington Ave
New York, NY 10032
(516) 614-6698
177 Fort Washington Ave
New York, NY 10032
(516) 614-6698
Dr. Hiroo Takayama
Columbia University Medical Center
177 Fort Washington Avenue
New York, NY 10032
(516) 531-6592
177 Fort Washington Avenue
New York, NY 10032
(516) 531-6592
West Islip, NY (11795)
New York City, NY (10029)
New York City, NY (10016)
New York City, NY (10032)
New York City, NY (10065)
Manhassett, NY (11030)
Rochester, NY (14642)
New York, NY (10016 )
Syracuse, NY (13210)
New York City, NY (10032)
New York City, NY (10016)
New York, NY (10032)
Poughkeepsie, NY (12601)
New York City, NY (10029)
New York, NY (10032)
Roslyn, NY (11576)
New York City, NY (10029)
Search Summary
New York City, NY, United States
Root ReplacementSearch again

Valve Repair
A valve repair is used to correct a structural defect in the shape and functioning of the valve. Valve repair can usually be done on congenital valve defects (defects you are born with) and has a good success record with treating valve defects. Procedures for valve repair include commissurotomy, valvuloplasty, reshaping, decalcification and patching.