Surgeon Q&A: Aortic Valve Repair Innovations with Dr. Vinay Badhwar
While there has been much discussion about mitral valve repair techniques at, the topic of aortic valve repair is relatively new. However, thanks to new technologies and devices, we are starting to learn more about aortic valve repair operations that may provide a life-long solution for patients. Watch this video to learn about the newest innovations in aortic valve repair surgery for patients with aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation from Dr. Vinay Badhwar, Chief of Cardiac Surgery at West Virginia University Heart & Vascular Institute. The advances include the HAART Aortic Annuloplasty Ring and the Ozaki Procedure. Very exciting!!! (Video posted on May 18, 2018)
Doctor Interviewed

Dr. Vinay Badhwar
Executive Chair, Cardiac Surgery
WVU Heart & Vascular Institute
Morgantown, West Virginia
(888) 625-3189