Advice for Heart Surgery Patients During Coronavirus Outbreak
As coronavirus infections soar past 1 million cases, patients with heart disease are asking important questions about the management and treatment of their conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this video, Dr. Allan Stewart, a leading heart surgeon, provides important information specific to the rise-and-fall of pandemics, the utility of resources for heart surgery and COVID-19 treatments, the potential delays of scheduled heart surgeries, ways to de-stress as patients experience delays for heart surgery and the use of telemedicine before-and-after heart surgery. Dr. Allan Stewart specializes in minimally-invasive aortic and mitral valve surgery and aortic aneurysm procedures. (Video posted on April 6, 2020)
Doctor Interviewed

Dr. Allan Stewart
Cardiac Surgeon
HCA Healthcare
Miami, Florida
(914) 768-4906