Doctor Q&A: The Unexpected & Severe COVID-19 Blood Shortage
In this special interview with Dr. Eric Roselli, the Chief of Adult Cardiac Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, you will learn important information about the unexpected and severe blood shortage announced by the American Red Cross resulting from the coronavirus outbreak. Dr. Roselli, who regularly donates blood and has performed successful heart surgery on many patients in our community, addresses key issues including why the coronavirus pandemic has caused a blood shortage and the potential impact of a blood supply shortage for patients suffering from heart disease and other conditions including cancer, blood disorders, anemia, burns and trauma (e.g. a car crash). Dr. Roselli also discusses how people can donate blood during the coronavirus pandemic during a quick 30-minute visit to a Red Cross donation center. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-RED-CROSS. (Video posted on April 6, 2020)
Doctor Interviewed

Dr. Eric Roselli
Chief, Adult Cardiac Surgery
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH
(866) 306-5846