Patient Question: What Are The Benefits of Mitral Valve Repair?
In this video, Dr. David Adams, Surgeon-in-Chief at Mount Sinai Hospital, addresses a very important patient question about the benefits of mitral valve repair surgery compared to mitral valve replacement surgery. While many patients initially believe that getting a "new valve" is best, Dr. Adams provides patients a different view with several reasons why keeping your own heart valve through mitral valve repair surgery is advantageous. Mitral valve repair benefits include longer durability, freedom from re-operation, no use of blood thinners, and a return to normal life expectancy. So you know, Dr. Adams has performed many mitral valve repair operations on patients from the community. In addition, Dr. Adams is the founder of the Mitral Foundation and the Mitral Conclave, a special conference that educates surgeons on the best strategies to repair mitral valves. (Video posted on February 6, 2013)
Doctor Interviewed

David Adams, MD
Chairman, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, New York
(866) 306-9648