Adam's Heart Valve
Surgery Videos - Page 4
With over 29 million views... Our videos were filmed by Adam Pick, the patient who started HeartValveSurgery.com, with world-renowned doctors and patients to educate you about heart valve disease treatment.
To help you learn about valvular disorders, treatment options and patient success stories, I began filming educational videos in 2011.
Since then, HeartValveSurgery.com has filmed over 50 videos with leading surgeons, cardiologists and patients just like you. To organize the videos, I just launched this new Educational Heart Valve Surgery Video Library at the website. Now, you can quickly access the important information you need to evaluate valvular procedures, surgeons and heart valve clinics.
My hope is that this Educational Heart Valve Surgery Video Library will help you better understand your valvular disorder and the different operations that can successfully treat your condition. I also hope these videos introduce you to several leading doctors, heart valve clinics and patients in our community.
If you have any questions about these videos, feel free to call me at (888) 725-4311 or email me at adam@heartvalvesurgery.com.
Keep on tickin!
Adam Pick
Patient, Author & Website Founder