Julia Overcomes Aortic Stenosis & Medical Inequity Thanks to Medtronic TAVR
Aortic stenosis is a life-threatening disease that is under-diagnosed and under-treated. The survival rate is just 50% at two years for patients diagnosed with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Sadly, only 3.4% of TAVR patients are Hispanic. How is Medtronic trying to change this healthcare inequity and expand treatment for patients in need? Find out in the inspirational patient story of Mrs. Julia Garcia who received a Medtronic Evolut TAVR by Dr. Jorge Alvarez at Cardiology Clinic of San Antonio in Texas. (Video posted on September 18, 2023)
Doctor Interviewed

Dr. Jorge Alvarez
Interventional Cardiologist
Cardiology Clinic, San Antonio
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 614-5400