The Annual Costs Of Heart Disease… Oh My Gawd!
By Adam Pick on June 21, 2008
Amongst patients, the costs of heart surgery can be a delicate discussion. As you can read, the costs of heart valve surgery vary from patient-to-patient.
To some extent, the initial billings associated with fees from the hospital, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist and the cardiologist can make your jaw drop to the floor.
Regardless of what your heart surgery cost will be, I was just reading a fascinating report by the American Heart Association. According to a 2006 study, the AHA believes that the total annual cost of heart disease is…
Go ahead…
Take a guess….
Really… Venture a guess…
$258 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR!!! (Yes. That was with a ‘B’ for billlllllllion.) You should know that estimate includes medical services, medications and lost productivity from people affected with heart disease.
My jaw just dropped to the floor again.
Keep on tickin!