Registration Instructions: Dr. Roselli’s Live Internet Chat – Wednesday, July 7 At 2pm (EST)

By Adam Pick on June 28, 2010

Great news!

You can now register for Dr. Eric Roselli’s upcoming chat titled, “Aortic Valve & Aorta Surgery”, scheduled for Wednesday, July 7 at 2pm (EST).


Dr. Roselli - Live Internet Chat - Aortic Valve And Aorta Surgery


This special, one-hour session, hosted by The Cleveland Clinic, will provide you with direct access to one of their leading heart surgeons.

If you would like to join this free online chat, you must register at The Cleveland Clinic website. Here are the actions needed to register. Please follow these step-by-step instructions. It’s a little bit tricky so you may want to print out these instructions.

  • First, click this link to arrive at the The Cleveland Clinic login page.
  • Second, if you do not have an account for the Cleveland Clinic website, please click the “Create Account” button shown below. Otherwise, please insert your login ID and password.



  • Third, once you have created an account, please return to this blog and click this secure, registration link. (THAT WAS A VERY, VERY IMPORTANT STEP.)
  • Fourth, when you arrive at the page shown below, please click the “Register” button at the bottom of the page.



  • Fifth, you will be taken, once again, to the login page referenced above. This time, please insert your new login ID and password. That’s it! You should be taken to a “Thank You!” page which confirms your registration! You’re almost done!

To participate in the chat, The Cleveland Clinic’s chat tool uses special software, known as Java. That said, you must have Java on your computer. So, please click this link to test if Java is installed on your computer. Otherwise, click this link to download Java to your computer.

Finally, as requested, a written transcript of this chat will be posted three to four weeks following the event. That way, you can review the details of this discussion if you have a scheduling or technical conflict.

Keep on tickin!

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Gail Blundell says on June 28th, 2010 at 3:49 pm

I have severe aortic insufficiency, a grade IV diastolic murmur and dilated LA and LV (LVIDd = 6.2cm) as a result of blunt force trauma (50′ fall). At the moment my body is compensating well (e.g., I rode 79 miles on a bike last weekend and did a 9 mile hike Saturday, and a 5 mile hike Sunday with 3300′ elevation gain). Given my current physical capabilities the decision was made to hold off on surgery and I was released to resume all physical activities until another echocardiogram is done in 6 months to determine whether further enlargement has occurred. Is it possible for a person to stabilize for extended lengths of time in compensatory mode, or is aortic valve replacement likely to be in my very near future despite my fitness?

Laili says on June 28th, 2010 at 9:11 pm

I didn’t know they have this kind of chat online. Great! I have Mitral Stenosis which was discovered in 1990 and since undergo 2 balloon procedure (PTMC). Maybe in future they’ll discuss Mitral Stenosis …

Todd Kaitis says on July 2nd, 2010 at 1:30 pm

I am scheduled for surgery next month and would like to know what type of value should be used for me. I am 60 yrs old and am very active and am against blood thinners will the Dr. give me a choice of valves? I am also having the surgery on my aortia valve at the Cleveland Clinic with Dr. Mihaljevic.

Kathy says on July 3rd, 2010 at 12:36 pm

I was 63 years old when I had my aortic valve replaced (with pig valve) at Cleveland Clinic last December. Was at .2 when replaced. Since operation can hear within my body my heart beating whenever it’s quiet. Why?

James Kauffman says on July 3rd, 2010 at 3:48 pm

Dr Roselli, I have a bicuspid aortic valve, which is leaking, and a dilated ascending aorta (5.4), including the root. I have been told both need surgery. From a CT scan it appears my aortic arch will not require surgery. I am 58 and an active downhill skier, biker and back county camper. I would like to avoid counadin if possible. My surgeon will install either a mechanical or tissue valve but recommends a mechanical valve due to the complexity of a future re operation to replace the tissue valve because ot the aorta replacement. Is it possible my tissue valve might be replaced in the future without reconstructing the aorta again? Also, are their advancements on the horizon that might make the future surgery less complex? Thank you

James Kauffman says on July 6th, 2010 at 6:08 am

Anyone know how to log on to the webchat? It’s not listed on the list of upcoming events.

William Sinnott says on July 6th, 2010 at 4:25 pm

I am a 49 yr old male with a bi-cuspid aortic valve that is moderate to severe and have been told that I will need to have surgery sometime in the next +/- 3 years. I also have very light mitral valve leak. I am very active doing ongoing training 3-5 days per week and participate in triathlons, marathons, swim events. I like to ski, surf, hike, etc. I am very afraid of the negative effects of coumadin and yet I don’t like the idea of having to do multiple open heart surgeries. Right now I am leaning toward pursuing an aortic repair as I have been told i am a likely candadite for this. I also plan to travel and have my surgery done at the Cleveland Clinic. Here are my questions:

1. What % chance do I have to be able to have minimally invasive surgery if I pursue the following specifically at the Cleveland Clinic: a) repair, or b) mechanical valve?
2. If I get my aortic valve repaired, how long until i will likely need to have surgery again and what is the % that I will need to have surgery again?
3. If you were in the above condition/situation that I described for me, which surgery would you lean toward pursuing: repair or mechanical replacement and why?

Thanks so much! FYI, I will likely follow up with you and/or others at the Cleveland Clinic in the near term as my situation progresses.

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