My Blog Gets A Facelift… Your Thoughts?

By Adam Pick on August 25, 2010

Over the past 4 years, many of you have written me with excellent and innovative suggestions for improving this website. As a result, we have created some great new services including the Heart Valve Surgeon Database and Heart Valve Journals.

Today, I am excited to share with you the new design for this blog. The new “look-and-feel” was developed to address many of your ideas including:

  • Bigger, easier-to-read text. You will notice the letters of the body text are much BIGGER in 14 point size. Also, the text now has a gray overtone to ease the contrast on your eyes.
  • Access information faster. You will notice two buttons in the upper right hand corner marked “Find Surgeons” and “Meet Patients”. When clicking these buttons, you will be taken directly to The Heart Valve Surgeon Database and Heart Valve Journals.
  • Enhanced comments section. You will also notice the comments section is completely different. Now, in addition to a much larger font, each comment is separated by “quote bubbles” with individual name identifiers. I want to make sure that all of your insightful comments and questions are highlighted for others to learn from.
  • Clutter removal. Finally, we removed other content (links, text) that cluttered the previous design. We even removed certain functions (email sharing, printing, etc.) to clean the screen and better organize content.

Going forward, we may make a few more changes. But, for now, I’m curious to know what you think about this new design. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you like parts of it? Do you dislike parts of it?

Keep on tickin!

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Debra Comstock says on August 25th, 2010 at 1:14 pm

Aloha Adam, I love the “facelift.” The site is easier to read and to navigate. Good job!

Monica says on August 25th, 2010 at 1:20 pm

Hey Adam,
I love the new look of the blog. It appears very clean, easy to read and comforting to the eye. I also appreciate all of the buttons being at the top of the page. Great work!

Gene Parrish says on August 25th, 2010 at 1:38 pm

Great job, Adam. I like the format, along with the new info.

Blaine Molsberry says on August 25th, 2010 at 2:10 pm

Hi Adam,
Your blog is even more professional than before. However, when I looked see what surgeons you had in LA, and 50 miles around, nothing came up. I didn’t know any surgeons I wanted to check on, so that box was blank. What did I do wrong?

Adam Pick says on August 25th, 2010 at 2:16 pm


Thanks for the kind words about the new blog design!!!

To Blaine,

When using the Heart Valve Surgeon Database, please make sure you insert “Los Angeles” not “LA” in the city field.

I just did a search for “Los Angeles” and “up to 50 miles” and located 13 surgeons in the database.

I hope that helps!

Keep on tickin!

Jerry says on August 25th, 2010 at 2:49 pm

I like it. A bit more subdued, not quite as heart stopping as your earlier design.

Patricia says on August 25th, 2010 at 3:23 pm

How about a section for caregivers?

Jane metrano says on August 25th, 2010 at 5:02 pm

Cannot say enough about your wonderful site. I have told so many doctors about this site. What a gift you have created for cardiac surgical patients and their families! Please keep up the great work. My husband had recovered beautifully from his aortic valve replacement thanks to a fine surgeon and your informational site.

Marlane Holtshouse says on August 25th, 2010 at 6:36 pm

I think it is much easier to navigate. Marlane

Sharon Courtney says on August 25th, 2010 at 7:29 pm

I wanted to get a list of the Aoratic Valve Surgeons @ the Cleveland Clinic. I live in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio and apparently the Clinic is more than 200 miles away. Perhaps you could eliminate the “number of miles from your zip code” requirement. Tks.

Adam Pick says on August 25th, 2010 at 7:33 pm

Hi Sharon,

To get a list of surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic, you may want to search by city and simply insert “Cleveland”.

The 11 surgeons that come up are from the Cleveland Clinic.

I hope that helps!


Sherri Hendry says on August 25th, 2010 at 7:36 pm

Adam, Great Job! Love the new look. Thanks for all that you do!

Vicki Natividad says on August 25th, 2010 at 11:59 pm

Loving the new look!

David Petro says on August 26th, 2010 at 8:11 am

I really like your new format it is more alive and personable


Grace Jacobs says on August 26th, 2010 at 2:50 pm

The new format is great – love it. Easy to read and to check the links. Thank you so much.

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