HeartValveJournals.com, Our Social Network, Gets Upgraded Servers & New Design!
By Adam Pick on February 14, 2011
Hi everybody,
Since launching our patient and caregiver social network last year, Heart Valve Journals has undergone extraordinary growth.
To give you some idea as to how fast this online community has grown, consider that over the past 6 months our servers have “overloaded” three times. On one day alone, over 10,000 patients and caregivers visited this unique website. So, in order to ensure continuous service, I recently upgraded our servers to a dedicated system. Thus far, the new servers are doing fantastic!!!
HeartValveJournals.com — New Design!
You should also know that we plan on taking Heart Valve Journals into Phase II during 2011. Over the next 12 months, you will see several new features and functions to enhance the communication and interaction of heart valve patients and caregivers around the world. To start… We have given the site a completely new design. During testing, this new design performed favorably — specific to usability and readability.
As shown below, we have also launched a new feature that enables those with journals to directly respond to families and friends who visit their “Guestbooks”.
HeartValveJournals.com — New Guestbook Response Feature
If you have yet to launch your own journal, are new to this website, or have no idea what I’m talking about… You can learn more by visiting our Heart Valve Journals Community.
Keep on tickin!