Angie Feels 15 Younger After Mitral Valve Repair Thanks To Dr. Gerdisch

By Adam Pick on January 24, 2013

The patient success stories and surgeon testimonials continue to roll in. This time, Angie Gregory sent me a fantastic update following her mitral valve repair surgery.


Angie Gregory - Mitral Valve Repair Patient Of Dr. Marc GerdischAngie Gregory – Mitral Valve Repair Patient


In her note, Angie writes:

Hi Adam,

After losing confidence in my own cardiac team in Kentucky, I began a search for a better surgeon. Research led me to Doctor Marc Gerdisch, MD, an acclaimed heart valve surgeon in Indianapolis. I reached out to him and he personally contacted me within hours. Our initial contact left me with the impression that he was not only a compassionate surgeon but also a very competent one.

As our dealings progressed, my first impression was right. I had just turned 37 years old and my mitral valve was completely diseased and no longer functioning properly. The quality of my life had severely decreased. Because of my age, I wanted a surgeon that had a high success rate for repairing valves verses replacing them. My former cardiac team couldn’t offer that option. However, Dr. Gerdisch had an amazing record of just under 100% success rate. He is a brilliant surgeon and also a benevolent individual. I felt completely confident in his ability and impressed by his drive to find a way to help me. He also made it a priority that I understood the entire process of my upcoming heart surgery. He is not only gifted as a surgeon but also in dealing with his patients.


Dr. Marc Gerdisch – Angie’s Heart Surgeon


After the surgery, Dr. Gerdisch’s bedside manner was impeccable. All of my questions were answered and explained with care. He still monitors my progress, examining my echocardiograms, even though I live in another state. In a time when I felt my own cardiac team had failed me and my options were limited, I reached out to Dr. Gerdisch, a man I’d never met. He was a beacon in my darkness and I have the utmost respect for him. I happily give my highest recommendations for anyone who wants the perfect balance of an exceptionally capable surgeon with a vast ability for compassion and kindness.

I haven’t felt this healthy in 15 years! I feel youthful and energetic. I feel like I have my life back but even better than before. I hoped I’d feel better after surgery but I didn’t realize how much better I would feel. I’d been ill for so long that I’d actually forgotten what good health felt like. I cannot thank Dr. Gerdisch enough.

Angie Gregory, Kentucky
Mitral Valve Repair, 2/10/12

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Ricky(a female) says on January 26th, 2013 at 10:00 pm

Hi Angie,WOOO HOOOOO!!!,Happy that you are feeling so much better.Your photo with your Daughter is very touching.G-d willing,you will now be here for lots and lots of activities,together.
The Surgeons are our lifesavers and ANGLES ON EARTH.I know,because,my 2nd birthday(10 years going click click click) is Monday,1/28th.WOO HOOOOO!!!I thank G-d for Dr.Narrod everyday!!

Jim Marcum says on February 16th, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Ms Gregory so pleased to read about the success of your heart surgery. I had my Mitral Valve replaced just a month ago in Kentucky. I wanted and would have preferred to have had it repaired of course. However, the surgeons and cardiologists all suggested the valve be replaced I was 60 years old at the time of the surgery. I went to three (3) different hospitals who all perform open heart surgeries. I ended up having it done in Lexington at St. Joseph and I felt like I had about as good as you can get. The surgery was done minimally invasive, robotically assisted. There were scores of good nurses and the facility was set up very nice. The food was terrible but that can always be expected I think. One Surgeon told me the repair would last around 5 to 8 years at best. I didn’t want to go through another surgery when I was nearing 70. So I guess we pray and depend on God to lead us in our decisions. I pray for you and your little girl that your valve lasts for as long as you need it.

peggyann doak says on February 23rd, 2013 at 12:36 pm

angie, i totally understand the need for a good connection with your surgeon and team. I was turned down by a surgeon at the hospital where my aortic valve was discovered to be completely gone. the cardiologist told me straight up, that if I lived two weeks, it would be miraculous. But because I had had a cancer operation two one week earlier and noone contacted my breast cancer surgeon to see how extensive or non extensive the cancer was, along with the fact that me and the surgeon did not like each other immediately. (a little aside. I am a graduate of a well known women’s college and this surgeon reminded me of a generational yale to surgeon boy. I am sure I was too liberal. lol) he refused to operate…ever. said i was too much of a risk. the cardiologist was upset and told me i needed to learn to kiss ass even if the other person is an ass because they just might have something I needed. I now know the the cardiologist was scared for me to just be sent home. However he found me a surgeon in portland maine and immediately I loved this guy. Scott Buchanan. cute as heck and pouring energy from every pore. He obviously loved his work, was optomistic and funny and real. He said after the surgeory and I was on my way home, that this operation was not a straight forward job (i nearly died a few times) and to be fair to the other Surgeon, the hospital he was at, may not have been able to handle my case. I believe that sometimes or all the time, the attitude of the surgeon comes thru even when we are out and on the table. Thankyou Dr. Buchanan. (oh, and my valve was truly unfixable)

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