Today Is National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day!
By Adam Pick on February 22, 2018
Woo-Whoo!! Double Woo-Whoo!! Triple Woo-Whoo!!
Today is the 2nd annual National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day!!! On this special day, 20+ organizations have joined together to raise awareness to heart valve disease… A disease that is under-diagnosed and under-treated… A disease that needs more awareness… A disease that threatened my life!!!
So you know… We can’t do it alone. We need your help. That’s right! Today, patients from all over the planet will unite to form an empowering force for good! We need your help to educate the world about the symptoms, the causes, the risks and the treatments of heart valve disease.
“How can I help?” you might be wondering. (Yay! I was hoping you might be thinking that. Scroll down for the answer.)
Join Me At Facebook, HVS, Twitter & LinkedIn!
First… To support this effort, you can join me and 290,000+ members at our Facebook page. I’ll be sharing educational information LIVE about valve disease throughout the day. Each time you share a post, you are directly and immediately educating your family and friends. Here’s the neat part. If your loved ones share your posts… Guess What? That information could help reach millions of people. No joke. With a simple “Like” or “Share”, you could save a life!!!
An “Events List” to Guide Your Day!
The second way you can support the 2018 National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day is by attending the online and offline events found at the website. As you will see, the day is packed with Twitter Chats, Patient Receptions, Lunch Panels, Valve Clinic Openings, WomenHeart Ceremonies and… A Ringing of the New York Stock Exchange Closing Bell. See the complete “Events” list here.
In Advance… Thanks For Your Support!!!
On behalf of our community, I would like to extend a tremendous “Thank You” to the Alliance for Aging Research (that means you Sue Peschin and Lindsay Clarke) for organizing this event – along with all the partners, hospitals and sponsors of this very special day. In addition, I would like thank you — the members of our community. You guys and gals are downright awesome. I love being a part of this community. I love fighting this disease with you. You inspire me day-after-day-after-day!!!
Now, let’s rise up and raise awareness to this disease which need more attention, more education, more care and more love!!!
Keep on tickin!