Why Did 50 Patients Get a Standing Ovation at “Patient Experience 2019” at Edwards Lifesciences?

By Adam Pick on August 6, 2019 - This blog is sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences.

Something special recently happened!  More than 50 patients and their care partners traveled to Edwards Lifesciences, a leading heart valve manufacturer in Irvine, California, to meet each other, to share their stories and drive helpful insights for Edwards, and to inspire action within our community – the heart valve patient community.

The event, which was previously called “Patient Day”, is now called… “The Patient Experience”.  Luckily, Edwards hired us to film the wonderful moments of this unique event that included:

  • Meet-and-greets with the heart valve assembly teams
  • A look at Edwards’ 60+ years of pioneering work in structural heart disease and critical care technology
  • Panel and group discussions
  • A campus and manufacturing tour including Edwards’ Heart Valve Museum

One of my favorite parts of the day was watching patients meet the Edwards employees who actually hand-crafted their individual heart valves.

Ready to see what happened at Patient Experience 2019? Watch the video below…


(This video was sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences.)


On behalf of our community, I want to extend a mighty thanks to the entire Edwards team for empowering the patient voice at “Patient Experience 2019.”   Edwards tells me that they get incredibly valuable insight from the Patient Experience to help them impact the lives of future patients.

Keep on tickin!

P.S. For the hearing impaired members of our patient community, I have provided a written transcript of the Patient Experience 2019 video below.

Cindi Waldrop:  When I was initially diagnosed, it was completely terrifying. I was just sitting there silently crying, trying to wrap my head around it.

Gary Truhn:  I felt alone — not knowing what the outcome was going to be.

Susan Truhn:  There was no way out. It kind of felt like we weren’t going to be rescued. We would just continue to go out with the tide.

Marvin Keyser:  I didn’t expect it, and I became very nervous and, of course, anxiety took over.



Mike Mussallem:  At the center of our culture is helping patients. There’s something special when you actually dialog with a patient that’s gone through the experience – to see in their eyes what it was like. It’s so powerful. It inspires us. It reminds us. It stays with us. We share with our co-workers that patient experience. It brings to life everything that we’re about.

Gary Truhn:  When I saw it, I didn’t believe it. But, I believe it now.



Cindi Waldrop:  It’s just a period on the end of a tremendous journey that I’ve been on.

Marvin Keyser:  I get to share my story. I get to meet other patients who have gone through it.

Gary Truhn:  That was quite a treat to meet the people that put my heart valve together.



Edwards Employee:  I’d like to introduce you to everybody who worked on your valve.

Gary Truhn:  Thank you very much for what you’ve done. And you sir?  Hector.  I really want to thank you all. I got to see you sew those through – so intricate. A thousand stitches!

Edwards Employee: Can I touch your heart?

Gary Truhn: Yes!

Susan Truhn: Their heart and soul went into this work. You can tell by talking to them.



Cindi Waldrop: Number one on my list was meeting the folks that made my heart valve. They have given me so much. Every time, I get goosebumps. It’s amazing.

Marvin Keyser: It’s a family. You guys are part of my life, and I’m part of their life.

Gary Truhn: Instant family.

Susan Truhn: It’s put everything into perspective. I wish we had had this experience earlier.

Cindi Waldrop: The Patient Experience is completely empowering. I know I’ve got an entire community behind me, and that’s what it’s all about. I now have a new community. To all the employees at Edwards Lifesciences…



Susan Truhn: From the bottom of our hearts.

Cindi Waldrop: Your love has come through in every contact I have made here.

Susan Truhn: You’re doing so may wonderful things. It’s not just a job you’re doing.

Marvin Keyser: I thank you so much.

Susan Truhn: Thank you so much.

Gary Truhn: Thank you.

Cindi Waldrop: Thank you so much!


Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded HeartValveSurgery.com to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded HeartValveSurgery.com to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

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