Mike Mussallem, CEO of Edwards Lifesciences for 22 Years, Announces Retirement

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Page last updated: January 2, 2023

On behalf of our patient community, I would like to extend an extraordinary “Congratulations!” to Mike Mussallem, the CEO of Edwards Lifesciences, on the announcement of his upcoming retirement in May, 2023. I also need to extend a mighty “Thank You!” to Mike for his life-long commitment and dedication to advancing heart valve disease treatment.


Mike Mussallem Edwards Lifesciences CEO Retirement


Mike, who grew up in Gary, Indiana, has been the only CEO of Edwards Lifesciences since the company spun-off from Baxter International in 2000. Thanks to Mike’s leadership and Edwards’ medical devices, there are millions of cardiac patients enjoying better, longer and healthier lives.


Mike’s Leadership Sparked Innovation, Accomplishments & Growth at Edwards

The list of Edwards’ accomplishments under Mike’s leadership is long and downright fantastic.  Here are just a few examples:

  • Edwards researched, developed and commercialized (i) transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), (ii) rapid deployment surgical heart valve replacements, and (iii) non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring.
  • Edwards charitable giving surpassed $60 million through the Edwards Lifesciences Foundation and the Every Heartbeat Matters initiative.
  • Mike has been named one of Harvard Business Review’s “World’s Best-Performing CEOs” multiple times.

The net result of these achievements and accolades is reflected in the growth story of Edwards Lifesciences. Under Mike’s leadership, Edwards’ annual revenues topped $5 billion in 2021 as its employment increased to 17,000 people across 40 countries.  Specific to value, since Mike became the CEO at Edwards Lifesciences, the company’s value has increased 4,000 percent, according to The Orange Country Register.

Reflecting on his time as CEO of Edwards Lifesciences, Mike stated, “It has been a special honor and privilege to lead our team at Edwards Lifesciences for more than 20 years in their immense contributions to helping and advancing care for millions of patients around the world.”


Patients Have Been Mike’s “North Star”

I was lucky to unexpectedly meet Mike Mussallem in 2008.

Two years after I started this blog, Edwards Lifesciences invited me to visit their headquarters, to tour their Heart Valve Museum, and to see their heart valve manufacturing facility.

During the visit, Mike appeared out of nowhere, shook my hand, and said, “Hi Adam, I can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing for patients.  Edwards really appreciates how you are educating people through your website from the patient perspective.”


Mike Mussallem, Edwards Lifesciences CEO, with Adam PickMike & Me at Edwards Lifesciences


Since then, I have been fortunate to spend a little bit of time with Mike over the years.

What always strikes me about our conversations is Mike’s laser-focus on the stated and latent needs of heart valve patients.  In one of our interviews, Mike said to me, “Patients are the ‘North Star’ for everything we do at Edwards Lifesciences. We need to better understand how we can help patients and their families.”

It should come as no surprise that Mike shared these insights with me at a three-day, patient-centric event at Edwards Lifesciences. During this special event, known as “The Patient Experience”, Edwards Lifesciences brings patients – from around the world – to its headquarters in Irvine, California.  At The Patient Experience, patients share their stories, learn from each other, tour the heart valve manufacturing center, and meet the actual team of Edwards’ employees that sewed their specific heart valve.

Here is a video we filmed with Mike and other attendees to document the wonderful sights, sounds, hugs and tears of joy at The Patient Experience.



“I am particularly proud of the ‘patients-first’ culture that is embodied by our employees and the commitment to innovation and excellence that our global teams demonstrate,” stated Mike in his retirement announcement.


Thanks Mike Mussallem!

While Mike may be retiring from the CEO position at Edwards Lifesciences, reports suggest that his association with the company may continue. I understand that Mike may put himself up for election as non-executive chairman of the board in May, 2023.

Regardless of his next steps, many thanks to Mike Mussallem for everything he has done for our community of heart valve patients!

We wish Mike all the best as he begins the next chapter in his book of life!

Keep on tickin’ Mike!

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded HeartValveSurgery.com to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded HeartValveSurgery.com to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

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