“Which Tests Can Help Me Time Bicuspid Aortic Valve & Aneurysm Surgery?” asks Brad
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 10, 2023
As heart valve disease and aortic aneurysms can progress at different rates, I received a great question from Brad about the different tests used to time surgery. Brad wrote to me, “Hi Adam, I have been unexpectedly diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve and an aneurysm. My doctor told me I will probably need surgery in the next few years but was vague about when that would be. As you might imagine, I’m a little stressed out and worrying about the future. Are there any specific test results that will tell me when I should have surgery?”
To answer that question, I interviewed Dr. Ibrahim Sultan, who is a leading aortic valve and aneurysm specialist at UPMC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Click here to see my interview with Dr. Sultan about the tests used to time bicuspid aortic valve and aneurysm surgery.

Many thanks to Dr. Ibrahim Sultan for sharing his clinical experiences and research with our patient community!
Keep on tickin!