Patient Spotlight: Lisa, Blue Socks & Mountain Biking
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: November 20, 2024
Hearing from patients in our Community about their heart valve surgery success stories remains one of my favorite parts of running this website. This time, I heard from Lisa Letizio after her heart valve surgery.
After Heart Valve Surgery, Lisa Says…
Hey Adam,
I made it! Yay! I think my overall fitness and low weight probably helped me a lot. Also as a bicuspid aortic valve patient I was, by far, one of the youngest people at Morgan Heart Hospitals intensive care unit (ICU). I’ve never been called “spry” so much in my entire life.
You know the cool thing about this hospital is they have this ICU, all private rooms and you stay in that same room (with a beautiful view of the Clearwater bridge) from when you leave surgery to when you’re discharged. They just take away the chest tubes, the catheter, and everything else as you are ready to taper off your support. From what I could tell, there was a Nurse and Tech assigned to every 3 to 4 patients. I was very well cared for – other than sleep. It’s so true that you can’t sleep in hospitals!
One of my proudest moments was on day 4 when they “awarded” me my blue socks which meant all bed alarms were off and I could walk freely about the ward whenever I wanted.
I was discharged on Tuesday and I have already gotten my lung capacity back (Yay!) but no stamina for anything. As an athlete this is so tough. Also, my whole lifestyle has changed for 2 months – different clothes, different ways to move around so as not to damage ribcage and the general tired feeling I get just after walking around the kitchen or taking a shower. Thank goodness the weather is ideal here in Florida and I’m able to get out and walk with my husband for 10 or so minutes at a time. They say in 8 weeks I’ll be mountain biking again. It’s hard to even imagine at this point. I will keep you posted.
Lisa Returns To Mountain Biking
Hi Adam, Great news! I got back on my mountain bike! Three months after surgery. As soon as I was off the warfarin, I was back out on my mountain bike. Here is my post surgery “fist-pump” picture.
Thanks for creating this community. I’ve been following your heart valve email newsletter for many years now, having been referred by an old friend who underwent aortic valve replacement surgery. Your website helped me SO much over the years!
Thank you for everything!
Lisa Letizio