Mark Experiences A ‘Change of Heart’ Thanks To Dr. Allan Stewart

By Adam Pick on January 8, 2013

[Update: Please note that Dr. Allan Stewart is no longer performing surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center.]

I just received a patient testimonial that made me stop and think, “Wow! That is great!”

As you can read below, Mark Lampersberger, who was operated on December 12, 2012, had a literal and metaphorical ‘change of heart’ after connecting with Dr. Allan Stewart, the Director of the Aortic Surgery Program at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York.


Mark Lampersberger - Success Story Of Dr. Allan Stewart, MDMark Lampersberger with Christian (8-months old)


In his note, Mark wrote:

To say that health care in in our country is under duress is an extreme understatement. To make matters worse, our society’s perversion towards posting, researching and ultimately believing everything thing that is available online has turned the historically routine practice of managing one’s health into a full-time job requiring a myriad of complex decisions that affect not only yourself but your family, friends and employers as well. To be honest, I too consider myself to be one of those people who tries to get his hands on as much information as possible (unfortunately, most of it online) before making a decision. And, after an initial confirmation of the existence of an ascending aortic aneurysm several years ago and numerous consultations, exams, diagnoses, etc., I had become overwhelmed and almost numb to the fact that something could be done to correct the condition and ultimately improve my health, and therefore, my life.


Enter Dr. Allan Stewart

Upon the insistence of my wife and family and friends in the medical industry, it was suggested that I go see the “best of the best” in the cardiac care field which meant Dr. Stewart and New York-Presbyterian (Columbia to us old time New Yorkers).

Here is where the fun starts, I met with Dr. Stewart on December 6, 2012. I then had valve-sparing aortic root replacement surgery (also known as the David Procedure) on December 19, 2012. I sit here today, on December 30, 2012 with the belief that, not only will I be around to watch my 8-month old son grow and mature but that I will be an active participant in that process for him and his five older siblings. To this day, I still can’t believe that I was given access to such a remarkable talent and facility. Needless to say, my state of being today is a testament, not only to Dr. Stewart’s confidence, but also to his ability to portray that he has a “stake in the game” so to speak and an investment in your health and well being.

Obviously, it is still early in my recovery process but everything has occurred exactly as Doctor Allan Stewart, MD has explained that it would and only leaves me with the expectation that I will be up and running around trying to keep up with my kids in no time.

Mark Lampersberger
New York, New York

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Bob Eldi says on January 10th, 2013 at 12:55 pm

I met with Dr. Stewart at NYP about aortic valve replacement yesterday – I was very impressed – confident, but not arrogant and he had a way of calming all my fears. I’ll be going in within 6 weeks – Bob Eldi

Margarita Bailey says on February 17th, 2013 at 6:08 pm

My husband at 86 had an aortic valve replacement and aortic root replacement 2 yrs ago done by Dr. Stewart. My husband shot an 86 in golf last week. I cannot say enough about DR. Stewart and his entire team. I love checking in Adam’s website from time to time. He connected us with Stewart when we were doing our research. You are in great hands!


Francis Lotz says on February 19th, 2013 at 12:24 pm

I am 72 and in Sept 2012 was confronted with who to see to replace my aortic valve and aorta.
After seeing a video by Dr. Stewart, I made an appointment to see him.
I am still singing my praises of him to those who need aortic surgery.
I left his office with confidence in him and was not disappointed.
The care at New York Presbyterian made my recovery smooth and short.
I am still amazed at the thin incision scar.
A year later I called his office thinking I was to have a follow-up visit and was
pleasantly suprised to be told that unless I was having a problem, I would not have to return.
Then I did remember him saying to me on the follow-up visit right after the surgery

“Go and enjoy the rest of your life” I have taken his advice !

Dr. Bill Fitzgibbon says on June 12th, 2013 at 12:02 pm

After learning about my aortic root aneurism in February, 2013 I have become anxious and depressed. It was found while I was having a CT scan to rule out pneumonia. I saw my running & weight lifting days as “over.”

My cardiologist (Dr. Jack Catanese) was insisting I see Dr. Stewart for a consultation. I found him to be very bright & passionate about his work. He also talked to me and not at me. He said to me that the find was “a gift” and I thought he was crazy. After thinking about it being a gift I now see what he meant. He asked me how I am feeling about the situation and explained in detail his involvement. He came across as a confident and caring surgeon and did explain that in a few months I will be back to my old self.

Since meeting with him I have gone on the internet every day to check him out. Reading everyone’s glowing comments makes me feel confident that I am making the right choice in having Dr. Stewart as my surgeon.

Although terrified, I am scheduled to go in for the valve sparing aortic root repair on June 27. Reading all the positive responses here gives me comfort knowing that in Dr Stewarts hands I will be OK…

Margarita Bailey says on June 12th, 2013 at 7:21 pm

Again, you cannot be in better, concerned and capable hands . He is the best. No fears you’ll be fine.

Dr. Bill Fitzgibbon says on November 18th, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Margarita, you were right. Its now been four months since my valve sparing aortic root replacement (June 27,2013) and I feel good. The post-op recovery was a bit of a challenge but every day I was feeling better. My experience with all the professionals at NYPH was “top shelf,” from Dr. Stewart and his Team, the nursing staff, the PA’s and the cardiologists. All easy to deal with in a stressful situation.

My worries of suffering aortic dissection are no more thanks to Dr. Stewart (and my cardiologist Dr. Jack Catanese). Thanks to the Team I am back to jogging and modified weight lifting and feeling better each day.

Thanksgiving this year is extra special. As Dr. Stewart told Francis Lotz, I am going to go and enjoy the rest of my life!!!

Mark, Thank you for your detailed testimonial!!!


Margarita Bailey says on November 18th, 2013 at 7:26 pm

Hello…my husband is coming up on 89 in January. He plays golf, rides his bike several miles a day and goes to the gym when he doesn’t. When Bill, my husband, asked Dr. Stewart what should he avoid doing, he said “you have the heart of a 30 yr. old, do whatever you want.” If there were Noble Peace prizes for heart surgeons or equivalents, Dr. Stewart would be first on my list. I still feel honored and grateful to have known him and also to Adam for getting us to him. Margarita Bailey

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