Adam’s Updates Blog - Page 13
By Adam Pick
Patient Event Announcement: Let’s Connect At “Important Information For People With Heart Murmurs” on September 18
By Adam Pick on August 28, 2012
Great news!!!
Connect To 500+ Patients With A ‘Like’ At Our New Facebook Page!
By Adam Pick on July 26, 2012
Great news!
Friday Fun: Why Do Men Really Die Before Women?
By Adam Pick on July 20, 2012
My brother, Doug, sent me this. I couldn’t help but find it comical. As they say, a picture is worth 1,000 words. So, using basic math, these 9 pictures equals 9,000 words… Enjoy!
New 2012 Edition of My Book Available Now!
By Adam Pick on July 7, 2012
For those patients and caregivers preparing for — or recovering from — heart valve surgery, I wanted to quickly share that the 2012 edition of my book, The Patient’s Guide To Heart Valve Surgery, is now available. This 5th revision includes several updates and contributions from leading physicians like Dr. McCarthy, Dr. Bolling, Dr. Adams, Dr. Stewart, Dr. Gaudiani, Dr. Roselli and more.
“Happy 4th of July!” From Robyn, Ethan & Me
By Adam Pick on July 3, 2012
To all of our patients and caregivers from the USA… Happy 4th of July!!!
Ethan Update: Mickey, Pirates & Buzz Lightyear
By Adam Pick on June 15, 2012
Thanks to everybody for your ongoing inquiries about Ethan, our 3-year old son.
“How Long Is My Heart Iced & Stopped During Surgery?” Asks Steve
By Adam Pick on June 8, 2012
I just received an interesting email from Steve about the time in which the heart is iced and stopped during heart valve replacement and heart valve repair surgery.
Off-Topic: iPads & Magic Collide In Stockholm
By Adam Pick on June 4, 2012
Tony, my father-in-law, and I are technology enthusiasts. In particular, we have a mutual fondness for Apple products. That said, when Tony sent me this video, I found myself saying ‘Wow’ several times. Already, over 2 million people have watched the video. I hope you enjoy it!
Special Announcement: The Relaunch of!
By Adam Pick on May 17, 2012
Dear Patients, Caregivers & Friends –
The ‘Learning Center’ Gets A Face-Lift
By Adam Pick on May 17, 2012
Another major enhancement to our relaunched website is the new Learning Center.
Find An Annoying Bug? Please Let Me Know!
By Adam Pick on May 17, 2012
I’m very excited about the relaunch of our website. At the same time, I’m also a bit nervous right now.
Woo-Hoo! New Website Features Are Almost Here!
By Adam Pick on April 25, 2012
Thanks to Ricky and everybody for your messages about my recent lapse in blog posts over the past few weeks.
Holy Moly! We’re In The New York Daily News!
By Adam Pick on February 26, 2012
Amazing!!! I just learned that our website was in the New York Daily News earlier this week!!!
Special Post: Top 10 Heart Valve Surgery Blogs of 2011!
By Adam Pick on December 28, 2011
During the past twelve months, this global community of patients and caregivers actively discussed many topics that have impacted our heart valve surgery experiences. As the year winds down, I thought it might be helpful to review all of these posts and highlight the top 10 stories that garnered the most attention during 2011.
Six Years Later… My Ticker Keeps Tickin’
By Adam Pick on December 21, 2011
Interestingly… The importance of today’s date escaped me until a few minutes ago.
“Happy Holidays!” From Robyn, Ethan and Me
By Adam Pick on December 20, 2011
As the year winds down, I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very happy holidays!
“Happy Thanksgiving!” From Ethan, Robyn and Me
By Adam Pick on November 22, 2011
If you didn’t know… Thanksgiving is, by far, my favorite holiday.
“Is Heart Valve Surgery Common For Elderly Patients?” Asks Wanda
By Adam Pick on November 17, 2011
Prior to the Heart Valve Summit, Wanda sent me two great questions. She wrote, “Adam – What is the oldest person that a surgeon has operated on? Is it common for the elderly to have heart valve surgery? Thanks! Wanda”
Our Heart Valve Surgery Video Playbacks Jump Over 19,023!
By Adam Pick on September 26, 2011
The Internet never ceases to amaze me…