Adam’s Updates Blog - Page 15
By Adam Pick
My Blog Gets A Facelift… Your Thoughts?
By Adam Pick on August 25, 2010
Over the past 4 years, many of you have written me with excellent and innovative suggestions for improving this website. As a result, we have created some great new services including the Heart Valve Surgeon Database and Heart Valve Journals.
Off-Topic: World’s Most Embarrassing Typo?
By Adam Pick on August 13, 2010
Well, here’s something to make your old English teacher gasp in horror…
Rapid Growth Continues At Heart Valve Journals… Thanks To Trevor & Company!
By Adam Pick on July 7, 2010
If you have yet to visit our new social network, Heart Valve Journals, I would encourage you to stop by. Since launching this new community, thousands of patients and caregivers have used this online network to meet, support and stay in-touch with each other.
Be Still My Beating Heart…
By Adam Pick on July 2, 2010
I am a huge fan of all types of music – from classic rock to jazz to country to opera to new age. I even play a few instruments including the guitar and bass.
Thank You, Media Planet & The Chicago Tribune
By Adam Pick on June 30, 2010
As strange as this sounds… In today’s edition of The Chicago Tribune I find myself on the cover of an educational magazine titled “Cardiovascular Care”.
Friday Fun: Why Do Boys Need Their Parents?
By Adam Pick on June 25, 2010
As many of you know, I’m a newbie when it comes to parenting. As Ethan, my first child is 15 months old now, Robyn (my wife) and I are continuously learning about our new roles as “Mah-Mah” and “Dah-Dah” every day. Along the way, I think Ethan (shown below) may be learning a thing or two from us as well.
Now Shipping Paperbacks Internationally!
By Adam Pick on May 27, 2010
Over the years, I have received many patient and caregiver requests for paperback copies of my book from countries including Belgium, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Finland, Germany, Japan, Chile, Singapore, South Africa, New Zealand and more.
“What Does Mitral Stenosis Look Like?” Asks Ted
By Adam Pick on May 10, 2010
Ted just sent me a very appropriate question about mitral valve stenosis.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” Wishes From Ethan
By Adam Pick on May 9, 2010
Ethan, my one-year old son, wants to say “Happy Mother’s Day!” to all the moms and grandmas!!!
Video Reminder To… Embrace Life
By Adam Pick on May 8, 2010
Sam Swerdlow, a recent aortic valve replacement patient from Oregon, just sent me this incredibly innovative and thoughtful video. I hope you enjoy it and remember to… embrace life.
“Is Rheumatic Heart Valve Disease Common?” Asks Frank
By Adam Pick on May 2, 2010
I just received an interesting question from Frank about rheumatic heart disease and heart valve surgery.
Off Topic: Stop And Smell The Roses
By Adam Pick on April 21, 2010
Several months after my surgery, I started gardening. While I continue to lack a knowledgeable green thumb, I really enjoy the process of working alongside Mother Nature. Even with all my gardening mishaps, I am super lucky to have a springtime rose bloom going on right now.
Triva: How Many Times Do Your Four Heart Valves Open And Close Each Day?
By Adam Pick on April 11, 2010
Okay, here’s our heart valve trivia question for the day:
Special Announcement: Our $5,000 Donation To Gift Of Life!!!
By Adam Pick on March 31, 2010
Since starting this website four years ago, my primary objective was to help future patients and caregivers understand the challenges, opportunities and realities of heart valve surgery.
True or False: The First Heart-Lung Machine Cost $15 To Manufacture
By Adam Pick on March 10, 2010
Are you ready for another interesting “True / False” trivia question about heart valve surgery? Okay… Is this statement true or false?
New, Memorable Domain Names For Our Growing Heart Valve Surgery Community!
By Adam Pick on February 25, 2010
Since launching this website in 2006, our community has grown way, way, way beyond my initial expectation.
Patients Unite, I Speak, At Inova’s 4th Annual Reunion
By Adam Pick on February 23, 2010
Not too long ago, I received a very special email from Dr. Paul Massimiano of Inova Health Systems in Falls Church, Virginia. In the email, Dr. Massimiano informed me that Inova holds an annual patient reunion to (i) share their latest research and (ii) show Inova’s appreciation for their patients, families and friends.
Introducing… Heart Valve Journals!!!
By Adam Pick on January 14, 2010
Dear Patients, Caregivers, Surgeons & Friends –
Top 10 Heart Valve Surgery Blogs of 2009
By Adam Pick on December 30, 2009
Looking back on 2009, it seems like heart valve surgery was one of the most popular topics within cardiac care.