Adam’s Updates Blog - Page 17
By Adam Pick
Heart Trivia: How Many Times Will Your Heart Beat During Your Life?
By Adam Pick on April 15, 2009
Time for a fun, multiple choice question about your heart’s anatomy! Here it is…
Off-Topic: Stop… And Smell My Roses
By Adam Pick on April 15, 2009
Following heart valve surgery, I learned to slowwwwwww down.
Introducing… Ethan Bradley Pick
By Adam Pick on April 8, 2009
You may have noticed that my blog postings about heart valve surgery have stopped over the past five days.
OFF-TOPIC: Baby Pick Is Almost Here!!!
By Adam Pick on March 30, 2009
Thanks so much for your emails about the anticipated arrival of Baby Pick.
Heart Trivia: How Much Blood Does Your Heart Pump Each Day?
By Adam Pick on March 18, 2009
Any guesses as to how much blood your heart pumps each day?
“Is Stroke A Risk During Valve Surgery?” Asks Debbie
By Adam Pick on February 18, 2009
I just received a very, very, very interesting question from Debbie about stroke and heart surgery.
Heart Health Tests For Men From The Today Show
By Adam Pick on February 18, 2009
I start my days with a good, fifteen minute stretch that includes both breathing and yoga exercises. Some days, I watch The Today Show with Matt Laurer, Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry and Al Roker as I stretch.
Happy Valentines Day!!!
By Adam Pick on February 14, 2009
On behalf of Robyn (my wife) and Baby Pick (my unborn son), I wanted to wish you a very, very, very Happy Valentines Day!
Off-Topic: My Birthday, Baby Pick Smiles In The Womb
By Adam Pick on February 10, 2009
Hi everybody,
We Plan, God Laughs… Really?
By Adam Pick on January 13, 2009
Too often I speak with patients that are incredibly frightened by the thought of heart surgery.
True or False: Can Humans Live Without Heart Valves?
By Adam Pick on January 9, 2009
Well… What do you think?
Our Website Mentioned By Dr. David Adams in NY Daily News!
By Adam Pick on January 7, 2009
This is somewhat unbelievable…
When Was The First Blood Transfusion?
By Adam Pick on January 3, 2009
Since posting Lisa’s mitral valve repair success story, my inbox has been flooded with questions about blood transfusions and blood bank safety like:
My Annual Echocardiogram With Dr. Rosin
By Adam Pick on December 24, 2008
I’m just returning from my annual echocardiogram with Dr. Ben Rosin, my cardiologist at Torrance Memorial.
Off-Topic: Morning Madness At Costco
By Adam Pick on December 22, 2008
With the recession lingering, I’m doing my best to save, save, save money this holiday season.
Happy 3rd Anniversary To… Me!
By Adam Pick on December 21, 2008
It’s almost impossible to think that exactly three years ago today…
Baby Pick Update: Our Boy In The Womb
By Adam Pick on December 16, 2008
Last week, Robyn (my pregnant wife) and I experienced something incredible…
Wanna See My High-Tech Distribution Center?
By Adam Pick on December 8, 2008
Earlier today, I received an email from Geraldine that reads, “Adam – I can’t believe it. Your book has already arrived. I ordered it just yesterday. Thanks so much for the quick delivery. I can’t wait to read it as my aortic valve will be replaced next Tuesday. By the way, who handles the distribution of your book?”