Adam’s Updates Blog - Page 18
By Adam Pick
Happy Thanksgiving! (Plus, Fun Turkey Cartoons)
By Adam Pick on November 26, 2008
There is no doubt in my mind… Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
Are Elderly Heart Surgery Success Rates Continuing To Improve?
By Adam Pick on November 12, 2008
I was just reading the New York Times when I came across a very positive story about elderly heart surgery patients.
True or False: Heart Failure Doubled During Past 25 Years
By Adam Pick on November 11, 2008
It’s time for another “True or False” quiz… That said, is the following statement true or false?
Fen-Phen Guilty Of Long Term Heart Valve Damage
By Adam Pick on November 8, 2008
The older I get… The more I realize there are no short-cuts in the game of life. Whether it deals with money or weight loss, the “sure thing” is seldom a sure thing.
Barack Obama, Me And My Goose Bumps
By Adam Pick on November 5, 2008
If you’re a long-time subscriber to this blog, you know that I stick to the fundamentals here. I research and write about heart valve surgery in this blog to help patients and their caregivers. Of the 1,453 pages of information on this website, only 2 pages have strayed from this topic.
Shocking Heart Facts: Women And Heart Disease
By Adam Pick on October 6, 2008
I was just reading a rather frightening article about women, cardiologists and heart disease at the Dayton Daily News.
After Valve Heart Surgery, Robyn and I Are…. PREGNANT!!!
By Adam Pick on September 30, 2008
Since launching this website and publishing my book, I have been incredibly lucky to meet and become very friendly with many, many, many heart valve repair and heart valve replacement patients and caregivers around the world. Needless to say, I am blessed to know you. And, I consider all of you a part of my family.
Heart Surgery Cartoon: The Sound Of…
By Adam Pick on September 16, 2008
I’ve learned that laughter is one of the best forms of medicine relative to heart surgery. With that noted, I offer you a truly tasteless but quite funny heart surgery cartoon:
“How Long Does Heart Valve Surgery Take?” Asks Shirley
By Adam Pick on September 10, 2008
I really appreciate patients that actively prepare their caregivers and their support group for heart surgery.
Take A Guess: How Many Mitral Valve Surgeries Per Year In The United States?
By Adam Pick on August 18, 2008
Ready to take a guess? Here’s the question:
Restarting The Heart After Surgery… A Fear For Barbara’s Husband
By Adam Pick on August 5, 2008
I’ll never forget my reaction when Doctor Vaughn Starnes explained to me the procedure for cooling, stopping and restarting my heart.
Cartoon – The Type Of Surgeons You Want To Avoid!
By Adam Pick on July 29, 2008
Even though the cartoon (below) got me to chuckle, I really thought to myself, “These are EXACTLY the type of heart surgeons patients should avoid!”
How Does A Heart-Lung Machine Work?
By Adam Pick on July 17, 2008
I get several patient questions about the heart-lung machine. Here’s a quick video with Dr. Oz that describes how the heart-lung machine works.
Human Heart Valves – Anatomy, Helpful 3D Animation
By Adam Pick on June 30, 2008
This is very interesting!!! (Especially, for those of you wanting to learn more about human heart valve anatomy.)
The Annual Costs Of Heart Disease… Oh My Gawd!
By Adam Pick on June 21, 2008
Amongst patients, the costs of heart surgery can be a delicate discussion. As you can read, the costs of heart valve surgery vary from patient-to-patient.
Cardiac Quiz: Can You Find The Four Heart Valves?
By Adam Pick on June 18, 2008
Below you will find a neat animation of blood flowing through the human heart.
Off-Topic: The Two “Gs” Of Inflation
By Adam Pick on June 18, 2008
I know I typically write about all things related to heart valve replacement and heart valve repair.