Adam's Heart Valve Surgery Blog – Page 29

Patient Success Week: Tammy Pilcher & Cris Dykeman, Our Community Rockstars!

By Adam Pick on July 16, 2015

I’ll admit it. I love our community. I love seeing patients inspire each other. I love seeing patients educate each other. And, I loooooooooove when patients use the community in ways that I never imagined.

For example, some patients have Spring Break reunions in Florida.



Other patients connect in the hospital after meeting in our community.



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Patient Success Week: From a Cardiac Arrest to Running Across the Finish Line, This is Brian’s Story

By Adam Pick on July 15, 2015

A cardiac arrest. A medical coma. A mitral valve prolapse. An enlarged heart.

A will to live. A family to love. A desire to run.

This is the story of Brian Walsh…



Many thanks to Brian, Shea, Logan, Levi and Kyle for sharing their story with us during Patient Success Week. In addition, I would like to thank Dr. David Adams and the Mount Sinai Hospital team — Gideon Sims, Flo Kelemen and Lauren Woods — for their ongoing support and care provided to this community.

Keep on tickin’ and runnin’ Brian!!!

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Patient Success Week: Linda Gets Back to Gardening After Mitral Valve & Maze Procedure

By Adam Pick on July 14, 2015

As we roll-out “Patient Success Week”, I am excited and honored to share the success story of Linda Kincaid, a mitral valve and Maze procedure patient.  I first met Linda at her home in Indianapolis, Indiana. I instantly connected with this fun, mother-of-three as we filmed an educational video to support the launch of, a new community designed to support seniors with heart valve disease.

During our time together, I learned a lot from Linda. I learned about her struggles with mitral stenosis (which resulted from rheumatic fever) and atrial fibrillation. I learned how Linda’s symptoms impacted her quality of life — which limited her ability to garden and travel. I also gained unexpected insights during an emotional interview with Kristen Boyce, Linda’s daughter, who shared her experiences from the caregiver perspective.

This is Linda’s success story…



Fyi… I spoke to Linda this morning. She’s doing great!!!

As mentioned in her video, Linda’s passion for gardening has returned thanks to her concomitant heart valve and atrial fibrillation operation.

As you can see below, Linda’s garden is full of zucchini, cucumbers, squash, and tomatoes.

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Announcing the “2015 Patient Success Week” to Raise Awareness for Heart Valve Disease to 1,000,000 People!

By Adam Pick on July 13, 2015

Is it just me? Or, have you noticed that heart valve disease gets very little public awareness? I mean… Compared to other medical conditions… Doesn’t it feel like heart valve disease gets no “love” when you consider that 5 million people are diagnosed with valve disorders every year?

Well… Starting right now… With your help, I’d like to change that. Thanks to this wonderful community, we’re launching the “2015 Patient Success Week” to raise awareness for heart valve disease. Like all campaigns, we need a goal. Our goal is to reach 1,000,000 people in just 7 days.

To learn more about this much-needed effort, please watch the video below.



Now comes the big question…

Will you join us in this global effort? We don’t need any financial support or donations. All we ask is that you be on the look-out for some great patient stories this week.  Then, if you like the stories, simply share them via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. It’s that easy. You really can make a difference with a click!!!

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Special Video: The Final “Ask Me Anything” from the Mitral Conclave

By Adam Pick on June 30, 2015

Great news! Our ‘Ask Me Anything’ video series from the Mitral Conclave Conference has been an educational hit!

In this… The final video, we wanted to do something special. We didn’t just answer one question. Nope! We wanted to jam-pack this educational video with some of the most important and the most commonly asked questions you submitted about mitral valve surgery. So, in the video below, you will find six questions answered!



Many thanks to Drs. Adams, Anyanwu, Boateng, El-Eshmawi and Swain for taking the time to answer your questions in this final Ask Me Anything from the Mitral Conclave!!!

To watch our other AMA videos:

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Technology Update: Feasibility Study Begins for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement!

By Adam Pick on June 30, 2015

It feels like there is an explosion of new technologies coming out to treat heart valve disease. As of late, we’ve talked about transcatheter aortic valve replacement devices (TAVR) and transcatheter mitral valve repair devices. But, what about about transcatheter mitral valve replacement?

Well… I recently learned that Dr. Robert Saeid Farivar and his team has successfully implanted a transcatheter mitral valve replacement using a next-generation device developed by Tendyne.


Tendyne Transcatheter Mitral Valve ReplacementTranscatheter Mitral Valve Replacement by Tendyne


To learn more about transcatheter mitral valve replacement therapy, I was very fortunate to connect with Dr. Farivar. (So you know, Dr. Farivar has successfully treated many patients from our community — including Tammi Gunwall and Julie McDonald-Lundgren.)

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Ask the Cardiologist: What Should Patients Know About the Valve Management Guidelines?

By Adam Pick on June 16, 2015

Have you ever wondered how your doctor figures out the best treatment for your valvular disorder?

I did. But, I never asked my surgeon before my operation. In fact, it wasn’t until years later that I learned about the Heart Valve Management Guidelines issued the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology.

To learn about these special guidelines, I interviewed Dr. Blase Carabello, a leading cardiologist, who has been working on the guidelines since 1998. Here are the highlights from my talk with Dr. Carabello.



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From Ocular Migraines to Heart Valve Repair, This is Jim’s Story

By Adam Pick on June 4, 2015

Together, we’ve learned a lot about the symptoms of heart valve disease. We’ve also learned that many patients have no symptoms. That said, getting a proper diagnosis for any type of valvular disorder can be a bit tricky and, in some situations, quite dangerous.

During a recent trip to Chicago, I connected with Jim Kelly, 56, from Wheeling, Illinois. During our chat, Jim revealed a very unique, diagnostic story that resulted in… mitral valve repair surgery. This is Jim’s story.



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University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Launches Heart Valve Microsite!

By Adam Pick on June 4, 2015

I am very excited to announce that the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) just launched a Heart Valve Clinic Microsite at!

UPMC, which is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has a unique Heart Valve Clinic approach that includes a Center for Aortic Valve Disease and other specialized centers for atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease and aneurysm therapy.

As you may know, we’ve been working with UPMC for a few years. Many patients from our community — including Josephine Rizzo, Charlene Melcher, Michelle Bamburak — have had excellent surgical outcomes with the UPMC team. 🙂

To experience the new UPMC microsite, click here.

University of Pittsburgh Heart Valve Clinic

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Ask Me Anything #3: “How Bad Does My Heart Murmur Have To Be Before It Gets Fixed?” Asks Ruth

By Adam Pick on May 18, 2015

In our third “Ask Me Anything” video from the Mitral Conclave, Dr. Patrick McCarthy, the chief of cardiac surgery at Northwestern Medicine, answers Ruth’s question, “How bad does my mitral valve heart murmur have to be before it gets fixed?”



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Ask Me Anything #2: “Is the MitraClip Close to Being a Standardized Procedure?” asks Dorothy

By Adam Pick on May 12, 2015

For our second “Ask Me Anything” video from the Mitral Conclave conference, we’re going to answer Dorothy’s question about the MitraClip, a new transcatheter mitral valve repair device (TMVR) that received FDA approval in 2013. In her post, Dorothy asked me, “Is the MitraClip getting closer to being a standardized procedure?”


MitraClip by Abbott Laboratories


To answer Dorothy’s question, I tracked down Dr. Gorav Ailawadi from the Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor, Michigan. As you might recall, I was very fortunate to watch Dr. Ailawadi and Dr. Scott Lim perform a MitraClip procedure a few years ago.



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Ask Me Anything #1: “Are Heart Palpitations a Symptom of Mitral Valve Disease?” Asks Nupur

By Adam Pick on April 30, 2015

You asked the questions! I got the answers!

That’s right. Last week, while attending the Mitral Conclave in New York, we received many questions from our community about mitral valve disorders. To answer your questions, I met with several leading surgeons and cardiologists. For example… In this video, Dr. Vinay Badhwar answered Nupur’s question, “Is a heart palpitation a symptom of mitral valve disease?”



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Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. David Adams, Mitral Valve Expert, Harnesses Education to Improve Patient Outcomes

By Adam Pick on April 15, 2015

In 2009, after launching the Surgeon Finder, my inbox quickly filled-up with patient recommendations for Dr. David Adams. As I reviewed the recommendations, I noticed something… Every post was uploaded by a mitral valve repair patient.


Dr. David Adams - Surgeon Spotlight


At the time, I didn’t know who Dr. Adams was. But, a few months later, Dr. Adams and I met by phone.  Then, about a year after that, we had lunch together in San Diego at the Society of Thoracic Surgeons conference.

During that lunch, I found myself repeatedly nodding my head up and down as Dr. Adams spoke about the need for patient education. I learned a lot during that meeting. Specifically, I learned about the advantages of mitral valve repair — which we would later discuss in this educational video.

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“If My Aortic Aneurysm Needs Fixing, Can You Save My Aortic Valve?” asks Ishmael

By Adam Pick on April 9, 2015

Many patients with valvular issues — especially bicuspid aortic valves — also have ascending aortic aneurysms.

At the same time, patients can have isolated aortic aneurysms without any form of valve disease. For example, Ishmael asked me, “Adam, I have a 4.4-cm ascending aortic aneurysm. My doctors have been monitoring me for 9 months. I am going in for a CT scan again soon. My aortic valve is healthy. What is the success rate (or mortality rate) to fix the aneurysm and leave my valve alone during the procedure? I am 60 years old.”


Diagram of An Aortic Root Replacement


To get Ishmael an expert opinion on this question, I contacted Dr. Eric Roselli from the Cleveland Clinic. So you know, Dr. Roselli is aortic aneurysm and valve specialist having successfully treated many patients in our community including Denise Kirchner, Matt Millen, Helen Holmes and, most recently, Cristen Marzula.


Dr. Eric Roselli Heart SurgeonDr. Eric Roselli, Heart Surgeon


In Dr. Roselli’s response to Ishamel, he first addressed the diagnostic process specific to aortic aneurysm and valve therapy:

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Heart Hospital Tour: The Carilion Clinic

By Adam Pick on April 1, 2015

Two years ago at the TCT conference in San Francisco, I was very fortunate to connect with Dr. Jason Foerst, an interventional cardiologist that specializes in transcatheter valve therapy. When we met, Dr. Foerst was going through the process of launching a Heart Valve Clinic — which is no easy task.

Fast forward 24 months… I am thrilled to report that Dr. Foerst and the his team achieved their goal. The Carilion Heart Valve Clinic is now helping patients who need both surgical therapy and non-invasive transcatheter treatment for aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation.

On a recent trip through Virginia, I went inside the the Carilion Clinic to learn more. Here are the highlights from my tour:


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Special Patient Video: What Do Christine & Pedro Have in Common?

By Adam Pick on March 23, 2015

[Update: Please note that Dr. Allan Stewart is no longer performing surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital.]

On a recent trip to New York, I was very fortunate to meet Christine Pittelli, a full-time mother of two girls, and Pedro Mejias, a world record power lifter who has bench pressed 645 pounds.

I had a great time with Christine and Pedro. Hearing their success stories was both inspiring and educational. I learned a lot about bicuspid aortic valves, aneurysms, valve repairs, minimally invasive techniques and Dr. Allan Stewart, their surgeon. For these reasons, I just posted this video.



Many thanks to Christine Pittelli and Pedro Mejias for sharing their stories with me and our community. Plus, a special thanks goes out to Dr. Allan Stewart for his extraordinary care of our patients. Dr. Stewart has successfully treated 100+ patients from our website. 🙂

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Atrial Fibrillation Education Center Launches Now!

By Adam Pick on March 16, 2015

Since launching this website, I’ve connected with many patients who were diagnosed with both heart valve disease and atrial fibrillation (AFib), which is an abnormal heart rhythm.  According to reports, about 30% of patients with valvular disorders also have AFib. So, it’s pretty common.

However… I recently learned that about 70% of patients diagnosed with valve disease and atrial fibrillation DO NOT get atrial fibrillation treatment during their valve repair or valve replacement procedures. Yikes!!!

For these reasons, I just built a new Atrial Fibrillation Education Center to help patients get educated and empowered specific to heart valve disease and AFib. Here’s a quick, instructional video about the new AFib Education Center. (A written transcript of this video is provided below for the hearing impaired members of our community.)



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Linda “Gets Her Life Back” After Mitral Valve & Maze Procedure

By Adam Pick on March 16, 2015

The highlight of my day is meeting and spending time with patients. I love hearing their stories. I love getting to know them. I often find myself in awe and then tears after listening to their inspirational stories.

That said… I recently connected with Linda Staples during my travels to Indianapolis. Linda, who was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and mitral valve disease, really touched and moved me. To share Linda’s story with you, we filmed this video together.



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Ask the Expert: What Should You Know About Atrial Fibrillation & Heart Valve Disease?

By Adam Pick on March 16, 2015

To support the launch of our new Atrial Fibrillation Education Center, I traveled to Norfolk, Virginia to meet with Dr. Jonathan Philpott, a cardiac surgeon at Sentara Heart Hospital, who specializes in concomitant heart valve and atrial fibrillation therapy.

During my interview, Dr. Philpott shared many insights about the symptoms, the causes and the risks of atrial fibrillation. In addition, Dr. Philpott shared some eye-opening facts about the lack of AFib treatment for patients who undergo heart valve repair or replacement surgery. Specifically, Dr. Philpott noted that up to 70% of patients who have heart valve surgery do not get surgical AFib treatment using the Maze procedure. Essentially, the AFib is just “left behind”.



On behalf of our patients and caregivers, I wanted to thank Dr. Philpott and the Sentara Heart Team for taking the time to share their very important research and clinical experiences with our community.

Keep on tickin!

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Special Announcement: “Patient Day 2015” to be Hosted by Edwards Lifesciences on March 13

By Adam Pick on March 9, 2015

This is pretty darn awesome! If you are the recipient of an Edwards Lifesciences valve or repair ring, here’s a really neat community event that I want to share with you.

Heart valve innovator and manufacturer Edwards will be hosting its first-ever “Patient Day” on Friday, March 13. During this event, Edwards heart valve patients will connect in real-time at the company’s corporate headquarters in Irvine, California, to share their stories and explore how they can better support each other and improve the lives of future heart valve patients.


2015 Patient Day for Heart Valve Patients at Edwards Lifesciences


This educational exchange will help Edwards and its partners, including patients, caregivers and non-profits, improve the patient experience and outcomes.

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