Adam's Heart Valve Surgery Blog – Page 42
In Memory of Cindy Pastrano, Wife and Mother
By Adam Pick on May 18, 2012
I am very, very, very sad to report that Cindy Pastrano, a fellow patient from San Antonio, Texas, recently passed away.
Since joining our community, I had become familiar with Cindy as she shared her experiences with us at her journal. Given her energetic attitude, funny remarks (including her distaste for the dentist), and post-operative status, I was shocked to learn of her passing.
At her journal, Cindy’s sister-in-law, Lori, provided this note:
We have some very sad news to share. As you might have known, Cindy was expected to be discharged yesterday. However, she suffered some complications. At approximately 11:30 pm Thursday night, it appears she suffered a severe heart attack and was in critical condition in ICU. She under went 2 surgeries and her condition never improved. At 12:15 am today, while surrounded by her family, Cindy left us to be with her Lord. Love never dies and her love will live on in our hearts. We will miss her very much.
If you would like to leave a message in Cindy’s memory, please click here.
Needless to say, my thoughts and prayers are with Cindy, her husband Peter, Cory, Sean and Eileen (her children), her family and friends.
Mitralign Gets $35 Million For Less Invasive Mitral Regurgitation Treatment
By Adam Pick on May 18, 2012
As we continue to track the new technologies impacting heart valve treatment, I thought you might like to know about an interesting treatment method for mitral regurgitation. The Mitralign device enables physicians to repair a mitral valve using a catheter-based procedure instead of an incision to the sternum or ribs.
Unlike the Mitraclip, another transcatheter technology which clips the mitral valve leaflets together to reduce regurgitation, the Mitralign system repairs a dilated mitral valve by reducing the size of the annulus which moves the leaflets closer together. The result is a decrease in mitral insufficiency.
- To see a video of the Mitralign technology, please click here. As I watched this video, I began to see how this technology is similar, in concept, to the surgical use of an annuloplasty ring. To learn more about annuloplasty rings, click here.
Mitralign is currently conducting clinical studies. Ultimately, its recent $35 million financing, will be used to secure a European CE Mark that will enable Mitralign to market the device overseas. As you may be aware, this approach is common for companies with new technologies that eventually apply for FDA approval here in the United States.
As we continue to learn more about this and other exciting technologies, I’ll continue to feature them here in this blog.
Keep on tickin!
Special Announcement: The Relaunch of!
By Adam Pick on May 17, 2012
Dear Patients, Caregivers & Friends –
In 2006, we started this website with a goal to help one fellow patient through heart valve surgery. Over time, that mission has expanded to educate and empower all patients and their caregivers.
To accomplish that mission, our website has transformed to meet the needs of our growing community. That transformation continues today with the internal relaunch of To introduce everybody to the new platform, we created this introductory video.
While we are excited about the 50+ new features and functions of this upgraded platform, we know there is a lot more work to do.
Still, in this moment, I want to thank you for being a part of this extraordinary community. Your participation and your support of this project is making a significant difference in our collective pursuit of healthy hearts.
Over the next two weeks, we will highlight the new features of this website. If you like, you can subscribe to this blog (it’s free) to get the latest updates. Also, if you have any additional ideas or constructive criticism to improve this website, please let me know.
Again, thanks so much for your support!
Keep on tickin!
The New ‘Valve Clinic Directory’ Section Of Our Website!
By Adam Pick on May 17, 2012
Over the past year, I have spoke with many of you about the different ways in which we could improve this website. Many of the comments I received went something like this…
- “It would be great if there was a section about the hospitals.”
- “Why don’t you have clinic profiles like you have surgeon profiles?”
- “It’s great that you have educational materials about heart valve disease and treatment. It also helps that you have information about the surgeons. But, what about the hospitals? You should connect the dots… Build a section of the website all about the cardiac centers.”
As many of you know, I really appreciate your feedback. The more I thought about your comments, the more I became inspired to take action. That said, I’m very excited to introduce you to our new Heart Valve Clinics section.
The New Cardiac Clinics Section of
This section of the website features the clinics that specialize in heart valve treatment. To start, we are incredibly lucky to be featuring several sponsors including Cleveland Clinic, Mount Sinai, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Florida Hospital Cardiovascular Institute and USC. Coming soon, we will also feature Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
The New Cardiac Clinic Profile Application (Cleveland Clinic)
Our new ‘Clinic Profile Application’ enables you to:
- Go on a virtual tour of the cardiac clinics (using either pictures or a video)
- Learn about the hospitals
- Meet surgeons that specialize in valve therapy
- See patient success stories
- Download surgical outcomes (if available)
- Contact the clinic coordinators
- Get additional information including insurance, external links, location, maps, etc.
The ‘Learning Center’ Gets A Face-Lift
By Adam Pick on May 17, 2012
Another major enhancement to our relaunched website is the new Learning Center.
To further help patients and caregivers learn about heart valve disease, surgeons, cardiac clinics, treatment options and recovery, we segmented the information by category. The picture below should help illustrate this new approach.
While there is a much more content to upload to the Learning Center, I am hopeful this improved feature will further support you from diagnosis through recovery.
To access the Learning Center, you will find it in either the Patient Resources or Caregiver Resources sections of the website.
Keep on tickin!
Find An Annoying Bug? Please Let Me Know!
By Adam Pick on May 17, 2012
I’m very excited about the relaunch of our website. At the same time, I’m also a bit nervous right now.
“Why is Adam nervous?” you might be wondering.
So you know… Over 100,000 lines of programming code are required to run this website. That said, no matter how much testing we’ve done — prior to the relaunch — there are bound to be problems. These problems are commonly referred to as programming bugs.
Typically, these bugs are relatively easy to fix. However, they can be annoying and frustrating at times.
If you happen to find a bug, please let me know by sending an email to Also, if you could tell me what browser you are using that would help too. Lastly, if you could screenshot the bug, that would be amazing. Our team will move quickly to resolve the issue.
In advance, thanks for your help and your patience!!!!
Keep on tickin!
Valve Clinic Tour: Beyond The #1 Ranking, Cleveland Clinic Places Patients First
By Adam Pick on April 26, 2012
Yesterday, I was incredibly fortunate to visit the Cleveland Clinic. While there, I met several cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, nurses, quality teams and administrators during a tour of the six-story Heart & Vascular Institute, commonly referred to as ‘HVI’.
I have to tell you… I wasn’t just impressed. I was very,very, very, very, very, very impressed.
Going into the visit, I knew that Cleveland Clinic was ranked #1 for cardiology and heart surgery by U.S. News and World Report for the past 17 years. I also knew that many members of our community raved about their patient experiences at Cleveland Clinic. However, I did not personally know what made HVI so unique. Now, as I write this on the plane ride home, I am starting to understand why Cleveland Clinic is so different, so reputable and so focused on valve surgery. During the tour, I identified 7 highlights about the Cleveland Clinic that I jotted down below.
Woo-Hoo! New Website Features Are Almost Here!
By Adam Pick on April 25, 2012
Thanks to Ricky and everybody for your messages about my recent lapse in blog posts over the past few weeks.
So you know, I am healthy and doing well. I’ve just been very busy working on the launch of several new features for this website. That said, I wanted you to know that our website will undergo a number of changes in the near future. In addition to the new features, applications and content, the website will also look and feel a little bit different. We even have a new logo that some of you helped design!
As we begin to roll-out the new website, can I please, please, please ask for your patience and your help? While the new features have been tested, there are bound to be issues. If, by chance, you happen to find a bug or problem, will you let me know? We will do our best to fix those issues as soon as possible.
In advance, thanks for your support and participation at
Keep on tickin!
Patient Update: Olivia Is Born! Congratulations Sara & Matt!
By Adam Pick on March 30, 2012
Here is a great patient update from Sara. You might recall that the last time we heard from Sara, who has a bicuspid aortic valve, dilated aortic root, and coarctation of the descending aorta, she was newly pregnant with with a baby girl. Well, I have some inspirational news to share directly from Sara. She writes to us:
Olivia Paige Bloomfield
Hi there! I hope you are well. It has been a few months and I wanted to send you an update that I have shared with a few women offline that I connected with via your blog.
In early January, my husband and I made the trip up to snowy Rochester, MN where we waited to deliver our daughter. On January 19th, we delivered our healthy little girl (Olivia Paige) at the Mayo Clinic by C-section. I felt that I was truly in great hands at Mayo. They delivered Olivia in a cardiac OR just to be extra safe in case I needed any intervention. My team of doctors also felt that it was best to deliver by C-section because of my dilated root. When I say ‘team,’ I truly mean it was a team effort.
I’m Going To The Cleveland Clinc… Wanna Meet?
By Adam Pick on March 30, 2012
Hey everybody!
I’ll be going to the Cleveland Clinic for a tour of their Heart Center from April 24-25. If, by chance, you happen to be at the Cleveland Clinic for surgery (or anything else), please let me know. I’d love to say “Hi!”
Keep on tickin!
“Why Are Pig Valve Replacements Still Used?” Asks Jim
By Adam Pick on March 26, 2012
I recently received a great question from Jim about pig valve replacements. He wrote to me, “Hi Adam – The pros and cons of tissue valves vs. mechanical valves are pretty clear. I don’t understand, however, why pig tissue valve replacements are still used. They came on the scene before cow valves. Pig valves can have sudden failure with resulting patient mortality. Cow valves last longer and deteriorate slowly and predictably. Why don’t surgeons quit using pig valves? Thanks, Jim”
Porcine Heart Valve Replacement Device
I wanted to provide Jim an expert response, so I contacted two very experienced heart valve surgeons — Dr. Harold Roberts and Dr. Juergen Ennker. Together, these surgeons have over 50 years of cardiac surgery experience.
Tech Update: Encouraging Data For Edwards’ SAPIEN Aortic Valve Replacement
By Adam Pick on March 26, 2012
For those of you monitoring the progress of the transformational Edwards SAPIEN Valve, which replaces the aortic valve in “non-operable” patients, more encouraging data was just released at the American College of Cardiology Conference in Chicago. The SAPIEN is the first catheter-based device, approved by the FDA, that replaces a valve suffering from aortic valve stenosis without any trauma to the patient’s sternum or ribs.
In the latest study results:
“What About Mitral Valve Replacements Using A Catheter?” Asks Denny
By Adam Pick on March 23, 2012
I just received an interesting question from Denny about catheter heart valve replacement devices. Denny writes, “Hi Adam – I’m reading a lot about catheters being used for aortic valve replacement procedures. But, I never hear anything about using a catheter to replace the mitral valve. Why is that? Thanks, Denny”
Transcatheter Heart Valve Replacement Device
In Florida, Heart Valve Surgery Buddies Gather To Celebrate Life
By Adam Pick on March 21, 2012
The stories coming out of Heart Valve Journals have touched, moved and inspired me.
Last week, it was Jeff and Jim at Mount Sinai in New York. Today, its Cheryl, Peter, Duane, Peggy, Fran, Peter, Richard and Susan who recently connected in Florida.
Fran, Duane, Peter, Peggy, Susan, Richard, Peter, Cheryl
URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Heart Valve Webchat With Dr. Lars Svensson & Dr. Murat Tuzcu Tomorrow!
By Adam Pick on March 14, 2012
Hey everybody,
Sorry for the late notice… But, here is a great opportunity to learn more about heart valve disease and treatment. On Thursday, Dr. Lars Svensson and Dr. Murat Tuzcu, from the Cleveland Clinic, will hold a live webchat titled, “Valve Disease, Diagnosis, Interventions and Surgery”.
Keep on tickin!
With A “Top 10 Heart Song List” and Jeff Shebovsky By His Side, Jim Readies For His 2nd Mitral Valve Repair
By Adam Pick on March 12, 2012
There is not a day that goes by in which I am not inspired by you – the patients and caregivers of this community.
My “daily dose” of inspiration for Monday comes from Jim Smith, a mitral valve repair patient from Athens, Georgia. So you know, Jim will have his second mitral valve surgery on Tuesday to correct his leaky heart valve. The surgery will be performed by Doctor David Adams, MD, a leading mitral valve specialist from Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.
Jim has inspired me for two reasons. First, Jim is using Heart Valve Journals in a way I never imagined. Not only is Jim connecting with patients online. But, he is actually meeting them in person… in the hospital! Yes, you read that right!
Jim Smith with Jeff Shebovsky at
Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City
Above, you will see Jim with Jeff Shebovsky, who just underwent surgery at Mount Sinai for a bicuspid aortic valve. Seeing the smiling faces of these two guys actually brought tears to the top of my eyelids. I never, ever, ever imagined that this little website would evolve to a point where patients could enter a hospital knowing that their “online buddies” would be there… waiting for them… encouraging them… smiling with them in pictures that are immediately posted for the world to see.
Secondly, Jim has inspired me because of his “Top 10 Heart Song List”. So you know, I am a music fanatic. I love all types of music – from classical to jazz to reggae to country to good ole’ rock. That said, I keenly watched Jim’s journal as he posted songs that alluded to the wonder and power of the human heart.
“Are Mitral Leaflets Repaired During A Valve Replacement Re-Operation?” Asks Brian
By Adam Pick on March 9, 2012
As a follow-up to our last conversation about aortic valve replacement re-operations, Brian just sent me an interesting question about replacement devices that require leaflet repair.
Brian writes, “Hi Adam – My mitral valve was replaced 9 years ago. Unfortunately, after experiencing some symptoms, an echo showed that I need it fixed again due to a mitral leaflet issue. I’m curious to know if the surgeon will repair the leaflet or do they throw out the old valve and just give me a new one?”
I wanted to provide Brian an expert opinion, so I contacted Dr. Marc Gerdisch, the Chief of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at St. Francis Heart Center in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Patient Update: After Ross Procedure, Jeff Is Doing Fantastic!!!
By Adam Pick on March 8, 2012
Great news everybody!
I just learned that Jeff Shebovsky, from Windermere, Florida, had a successful Ross Procedure yesterday. The double heart valve surgery was performed by Doctor Paul Stelzer at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. Although Jeff was asymptomatic, a bicuspid aortic valve resulted in severe aortic stenosis.
Jeff, Carol, Brooke, Erica & Jason
As his wife, Carol, wrote in his journal:
Jeff is doing absolutely fantastic today. The doctors are amazed at how well he is doing. One doctor came over to ask him if he is ready to go into surgery. All his numbers including blood pressure, blood supply, oxygen, etc. are like he never had surgery. He’s talking a lot, eating ice chips, had a popsicle. They are planning to move him into a regular room real soon, within the next couple of hours….Carol
I want to thank Jeff for being so active within our community. If you have spent any time at Heart Valve Journals lately, you would have definitely seen how positive, caring and supportive Jeff has been to the other patients at this website.
“What Are My Options For Aortic Valve Replacement Re-Operations?” Asks Jon
By Adam Pick on March 6, 2012
I just received an interesting question from Jon about the durability of heart valve replacement devices. He writes, “Adam – I know that the bulk of your patient questions are in regard to upcoming surgeries. But, for those of us who have already had surgeries — like myself who had aortic valve replacement two years ago and I’m 60 years old now — what does my future look like? I was told that my bovine replacement would last 10, 15 or even 20 years. Will my future replacement be identical to the same surgery? Or, will I be looking at something else? Thanks, Jon”

Bovine Aortic Valve Replacement (Edwards Lifesciences)
While I have my thoughts on this topic, I wanted to provide Jon an expert opinion.
Educational Video: Dr. Marc Gillinov & Dr. Nissen Address Heart Disease On PBS
By Adam Pick on March 3, 2012
In case you missed it, Dr. Marc Gillinov and Dr. Steven Nissen were just on the Tavis Smiley show on PBS. It’s a great interview that addresses several issues specific to cardiac disease including prevention, lifestyle choices, healthcare reform, diet, exercise, medical advances, workplace incentives, myths and treatment.
If you are interested to learn more about Dr. Gillinov’s and Dr. Nissen’s research, they recently published Heart 411, a fascinating book about heart disease and prevention.
Keep on tickin!