Adam's Heart Valve Surgery Blog – Page 48

“Will I Need A Mitral Valve Repair Or A Mitral Valve Replacement?” Asks Barbara

By Adam Pick on April 7, 2011

A common consideration among patients preparing for valvular treatment is whether or not they will get a heart valve repair or a heart valve replacement.

Recently, Dr. Lars Svensson and I discussed the clinical indicators for aortic valve repair due to aortic regurgitation. Relative to the mitral valve, here is an educational video in which Dr. Jeffrey Swanson answers Barbara’s question, “From a surgeon’s perspective, what differentiates the need for mitral valve repair versus mitral valve replacement due to mitral regurgitation?”



Also, for the hearing impaired, I have provided a video transcript below.

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“What Is The Best Heart Valve Replacement For My 16-Year Old Son?” Asks Carole

By Adam Pick on April 4, 2011

Carole recently sent me an interesting email about Ian, her sixteen-year old son who suffers from aortic valve disease.

She writes, “Hi Adam, My son needs to have his aortic valve replaced. His surgery is scheduled for August. We are struggling with the decision of which valve replacement to have implanted. Ian is leaning towards the On-X mechanical valve but is hesitant because of the Coumadin factor. Do you know any other patients in Ian’s age group? What do you think is the best valve replacement for Ian? Thanks so much for your wonderful and informative heart valve book. Carole”


Valve Replacement Devices


This is a great and complex question. As we have discussed before, if a valve repair is not possible, a key consideration for the patient will be, “Which type of heart valve replacement is best for me?” The answer to that question is dependent upon several factors – including age, active lifestyle, risk factors, etc.

I wanted to provide Carole an expert opinion. So, I contacted Dr. Lucas Collazo.

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“Do All Patients Get A Cardiac Catheterization Before Heart Surgery?” Asks Denise

By Adam Pick on March 27, 2011

Yesterday, I spoke with Denise, a 44 year-old patient suffering from severe mitral regurgitation disorder. She asked me, “Adam – The first surgeon I met with has yet to request a cardiac catheterization. Is that normal? I thought all patients got heart caths before surgery?”

First… Great question Denise!

Second… For those of you unfamiliar with this diagnostic test, I have posted a video below which describe a cardiac catheterization, commonly referred to as heart maths.\


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Special Technology Update: “When Will Open Heart Valve Surgery Be A Bygone Era?” With Dr. Eric Roselli

By Adam Pick on March 21, 2011

With all the exciting possibilities of transcatheter heart valve therapy, my inbox is overflowing with questions about the CoreValve, the Sapien and the MitraClip. For example, Dorothy sent me a question that reads, “Given all the advancements in certain treatments… Can you estimate a time when open heart valve replacement surgery will be part of a bygone era?”

I wanted to get Dorothy the best possible answer to this question. So, I met with Dr. Eric Roselli, staff surgeon from The Cleveland Clinic, to obtain his clinical opinions. Dr. Roselli is actively using transcatheter heart valves replacement therapies in his practice. In fact, Dr. Roselli is so knowledgeable with the percutaneous technologies shaping heart valve treatment, he was named the TechCon Co-Chairman at the annual Society of Thoracic Surgeons meeting.



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“Sarah Is ‘Mad As Hell’ But Doing Great After Heart Valve Surgery!” Says Pam

By Adam Pick on March 18, 2011

For those of you following the story of 5-year old Sarah Weir… I have great news to share!!!

Sarah’s mitral valve repair surgery was completed by Dr. Pedro Del Nido at Children’s Hospital Boston on Wednesday. After some minor post-operative issues (blood pressure, swelling), Dr. Pedro Del Nido is very happy with the results!


Picture Of Girl In Hospital After Surgery
Sarah Weir – Two Days After Mitral Valve Repair Surgery


As for Sarah… Pam, her mother, writes, “Sarah is mad as hell – but doing GREAT!!! She wants to go home! I ask New York??? She says NO – HOME – THE FOUR SEASONS.”

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New Heart Valve Journals Feature Launched!!!

By Adam Pick on March 18, 2011

One of the most visited sections at Heart Valve Journals, our social network, is the patient’s guestbook. It’s pretty amazing to see all the support, care, advice and love exchanged among patients, caregivers, friends and family members. For example, Judy Fridono has 775+ comments in her Guestbook following her recent heart valve surgery at USC.


Guestbook Of Heart Valve Journals


To enhance the Guestbook, we just a launched a great new feature.

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Friday Fun: Bill Cosby Gets Lost In South Carolina

By Adam Pick on March 18, 2011

I don’t know about you… But, I’ve always been a huuuuuge Bill Cosby fan. That said, I’m hopeful this video — taken from a 1992 airing of “You Bet Your Life” — should start your weekend with a giggle.


Have a great weekend,

“Should Asymptomatic Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Mitral Regurgitation Have Surgery?” With Dr. David Adams

By Adam Pick on March 15, 2011

Recently, I received a great question from John Myers about asymptomatic patients with mitral regurgitation. John wrote to me, “Hi Adam, I’m 76 and in good shape. In 1999, I was  diagnosed with moderate-to-severe regurgitation even though I have NO physical symptoms. I’ve read that some surgeons believe having mitral valve repair sooner than later is preferable. Should I be worried? Should I get a second opinion? Thanks, John”

Luckily, during the 47th annual Society of Thoracic Surgeons meeting, I had the chance to ask John’s question directly to Dr. David H. Adams, chairman of cardiothoracic surgery at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. Considering Dr. Adams’ clinical focus on mitral valve treatment, I thought you might like to see his response.



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“Can Heart Valve Replacement & Atrial Fibrillation Treatment Occur During The Same Surgery?” Asks Wendy

By Adam Pick on March 11, 2011

Wendy just sent me an interesting question about heart valve replacement surgery and atrial fibrillation. She writes, “Adam – At 68, I’m confused and nervous. I’ve been dealing with atrial fibrillation for some time. But, I was just diagnosed with a severely leaking mitral valve. Can a surgeon fix both problems during one operation? Or, will I need two separate procedures? Thanks, Wendy”



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Big 5th Birthday Wishes And Heart Valve Prayers For Sarah!

By Adam Pick on March 10, 2011

When we started, our social network, I didn’t know what to expect. But now, 15 months later, I am constantly touched, moved and inspired by the patients and the caregivers who openly share their hearts in this special community.

Just now, I was surfing through the website when I came across the journal of Sarah Weir from New York, New York.


Picture Of Girl With Cupcake Before Heart Surgery
Sarah Weir – Heart Valve Repair Patient


As you can read in her story, Sarah was recently diagnosed with severe mitral valve regurgitation. Her surgery is scheduled for March 16th — next Wednesday. Doctor Pedro Del Nido at Children’s Hospital Boston will be performing the mitral valve repair. As you may recall, Dr. Del Nido was Baby Gabe’s surgeon.

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“Valve Disease” Health Chat With Dr. Gillinov & Dr. Griffin — Monday, March 14, 12pm (EST)

By Adam Pick on March 10, 2011

Great news everybody!

If you are interested in learning more about heart valve disease and treatment options, this is a fantastic opportunity to access two heart valve specialists — Dr. Marc Gillinov and Dr. Brian Griffin from The Cleveland Clinic.


Cleveland Clinic Health Chat With Dr. Gillinov


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“How Do I Know If My Heart Valve Surgeon Is Good?” With Dr. Jurgen Ennker

By Adam Pick on March 8, 2011

Thanks to your excellent questions, I had several meaningful discussions at the recent 47th annual meeting of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons in San Diego, California.

For example, Peggy wrote to me, “Adam – I’m diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis. I’m curious… How do I know if my heart valve surgeon is good?” I posed that exact question to Dr. Jurgen Ennker, the chief of cardiothoracic surgery at MediClin Heart Center in Lahr, Germany which is just outside of Frankfurt.



So you know, Dr. Jurgen Ennker is a leading heart valve surgeon in Germany. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Ennker and his team have replaced over 3,000 diseased valves with the Medtronic Freestyle device (a porcine heart valve replacement).

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“What About Extracellular Matrix For Heart Valve Repair?” Asks Paul

By Adam Pick on March 6, 2011

Since posting my video interview with Doctor Marc Gerdisch about Extracellular Matrix, I have received several patient emails about this unique technology. Paul writes to me, “Adam – What do you think about the procedure where an Extracellular Matrix cloth is attached to the damaged valve which stimulates tissue growth and fixes the problem without a heart valve replacement? Thanks, Paul”


Extracellular Matrix On Mitral Valve


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Mosaic Porcine Heart Valve Replacement Still Tickin’ 12 Years Later

By Adam Pick on March 5, 2011

In case you missed it, some interesting data was just released about the Mosaic porcine heart valve replacement. According to a report in The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, the Mosaic bioprosthetic valve — which has been implanted in patients for the past 12 years — continues to demonstrate positive performance.


Medtronic Mosaic Heart Valve Replacements
Mosaic Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Replacement (Porcine Tissue)


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“What Are The Advantages Of Robotic Mitral Heart Valve Repair?” By Dr. Tom Mihaljevic

By Adam Pick on March 3, 2011

At the recent Society of Thoracic Surgeons convention, I was fortunate to meet several leading heart valve surgeons. One of those surgeons was Dr. Tomislav Mihaljevic from The Cleveland Clinic. Considering that Dr. Mihaljevic’s specialty is minimally invasive heart valve surgery, I was intrigued to hear his clinical response to the question, “What are the advantages of robotic mitral valve repair?”



As noted in this video, Dr. Mihaljevic has performed successful surgery on many members of our community including Anne Shannon (aortic valve replacement) and Ashish Yaduka (mitral valve repair).

To help those patients and caregivers that are hearing impaired, I have provided a video transcript of Dr. Mihaljevic’s interview below.

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“How Much Does A Heart Valve Echocardiogram Cost?” Asks Ken

By Adam Pick on March 1, 2011

Ken just sent me a financial question about the cost of an echocardiogram. He writes, “Adam – A few years back, I was diagnosed with moderate mitral valve regurgitation. Since then, I lost my job and my health insurance. Lately, I’ve experienced shortness of breath and fatigue. Do you know how much a heart valve echocardiogram costs? I’m nervous and curious to see if my mitral valve prolapse has gotten worse? Thanks, Ken”


Echocardiogram Of The Heart


To help Ken, I just asked Robyn, my wife, for our medical statements from December — which is when I had my last echocardiogram.

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“Can Aortic Valve Stenosis Be Cured Through Nutrition?” Asks Paul

By Adam Pick on February 26, 2011

I recently received an interesting question from Paul about aortic stenosis and nutrition. Paul writes, “Hi Adam – I’m in my 40’s and just diagnosed with a severely leaking valve. I was told I need a mechanical valve or I will drop dead in 2 to 3 years. I do not want to take Coumadin. Is it possible for patients to enter a natural program — via a qualified nutritionalist — which may actually stimulate tissue growth around the valve, thus fixing the cause rather than treating the symptoms?”


Stenotic Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Aortic Valve Stenosis – Narrowing Heart Valve


While I have my own thoughts on this topic, I wanted to get an expert opinion for Paul. That said, I contacted Dr. Marc Gerdisch, MD, chief of cardiothoracic surgery at St. Francis Heart Center in Indiana. As many of you know, Dr. Gerdisch is a specialist for valvular treatment and cardiac tissue repair.


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Valve Clinic Tour: Dr. Junaid Khan Educates Patients About Heart Murmurs & Minimally Invasive Treatment

By Adam Pick on February 24, 2011

Last Thursday, I found myself at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, California. My reasons for traveling to Northern California were two-fold. First, I wanted to meet Dr. Junaid Khan, MD, a leading minimally invasive heart valve surgeon on the West Coast. Second, I was asked to speak at a a special, educational seminar titled, “For People With Heart Murmurs”.


Dr. Junaid Khan With Adam Pick
Dr. Junaid Khan & Me


My first meeting of the day was with Dr. Khan. I quickly learned several interesting facts about the surgeon who trained at UCLA Medical Center.

  • Dr. Khan performed over 250 cardiac procedures in 2010.
  • Over 60% of his surgeries are valve-related. Dr. Khan tends to perform more mitral valve surgery than aortic valve surgery.
  • Dr. Khan’s mitral valve repair rate is about 70% while the national average is about 42%.
  • Alta Bates Summit Medical Center was the only cardiac center to receive a “three-star” rating in California from Consumer Reports.
  • Dr. Khan is a dedicated father and husband. Currently, Dr. Khan coaches the baseball teams for his two sons.

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“What Are The Key Indicators For Aortic Valve Repair Vs. Aortic Valve Replacement?” By Dr. Lars Svensson

By Adam Pick on February 20, 2011

Talk about a great coincidence… Just a few minutes after receiving this patient question, Dr. Lars Svensson — the Director of the Aorta Center at the Cleveland Clinic —  walked up to my booth at the 47th annual Society of Thoracic Surgeons meeting. That said, here is Dr. Svensson’s response to the question, “What are the key indicators that a diseased aortic valve can be repaired not replaced?”



To learn more about Doctor Lars Svensson, cardiac surgeon, please visit his surgeon profile page by clicking here. For those of you who are hearing impaired, I have provided a video transcript below.

Adam: Hey, everybody. It’s Adam and I’m here in San Diego at the 47th annual STS convention. Very fortunate to be standing next to Dr. Lars Svensson, heart valve surgeon from the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Svensson has been in practice for just about 30 years.

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Technology Update: “Will Extracellular Matrix Help Patients Grow Their Own Heart Valves?” By Dr. Marc Gerdisch

By Adam Pick on February 15, 2011

Advances in medical technology for valvular treatment continue to evolve rapidly. Recently, I learned more about the use of Extracelluar Matrix (ECM) for heart valve repair and remodeling from Dr. Marc Gerdisch, the chief of cardiothoracic surgery at St. Francis Heart Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. In 2008, Doctor Gerdisch was the world’s first surgeon to use ECM to repair a damaged heart valve.

Here is my interview with Dr. Gerdisch. This discussion was in direct response to Scott’s question, “Will patients be able to grow their own heart valves in the future?”



To help you learn more about Extracellular Matrix and Dr. Gerdisch, I have provided an additional video about ECM and a transcript of this interview below.

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