Adam's Heart Valve Surgery Blog – Page 6
Mohammed Readies for Heart Valve Surgery Thanks to You!
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: September 9, 2023
Woo-Hoo!!! For the fifth time since launching, I am very happy to share that our community has sponsored a life-saving cardiac surgery for a child with heart disease.
Survival, Durability and Long-Term Outcomes of Mitral & Tricuspid Valve Repair Surgery
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: September 6, 2023
I just received a great question from Alexandra about simultaneous mitral valve and tricuspid valve surgery. Alexandra asked me, “Hi Adam, All the data I’ve seen measures outcomes for mitral valve repair alone. Have you seen any data on survival and durability rates for patients undergoing mitral and tricuspid valve repair surgery?”
To answer this important question, I was fortunate to connect with Dr. Robert Smith, Chair of Cardiac Surgery at Baylor Scott & White – The Heart Hospital in Plano, Texas. Click here to see my interview with Dr. Robert Smith about survival, durability and long-term outcomes for mitral and tricuspid valve repair surgery.
Stroke Risk: What Can Be Done to Help Heart Valve & Atrial Fibrillation Patients?
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 23, 2023
It should be no secret.
Patients with heart valve disease are 35% more likely to have atrial fibrillation. And… Patients with atrial fibrillation are five times more likely to have a stroke. The big question we need to ask is, “What is being done to help patients reduce stroke risk?”
To answer that question, we interviewed Dr. Patrick McCarthy, Executive Director of the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute at Northwestern Medicine. Doctor McCarthy is a heart valve and atrial fibrillation expert. Click here to see my interview with Dr. McCarthy about stroke risk reduction, atrial fibrillation and heart valve disease.
17 Years After Heart Surgery, This Happened…
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 23, 2023
Dear Patients & Friends,
After receiving several wonderful emails from patients about the post, “After Heart Surgery, I Have A New Scuba Buddy”, I wanted to share a quick update from a recent Scuba dive with Ethan, my 14-year-old son who just got certified.
The conditions of the dive, which was at Catalina Island near Los Angeles, were immaculate. Visibility, the distance a diver can see underwater, may have been 100+ feet. It was as if Ethan and I were swimming in the world’s largest aquarium. We were very lucky. Our awesome dive guide, Garrett from Catalina Scuba, captured this special, underwater experience with the picture below.
“Can I Get A Safe Minimally-Invasive Aortic Valve Repair?” asks Peter
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 17, 2023
I just received a great question from Peter who asked me, “I was diagnosed with aortic valve regurgitation. Can this procedure be done safely using minimally invasive techniques? What questions should I ask to figure out if the surgeon has enough experience and expertise?”
To provide Peter (and you) an expert response, I was very fortunate to interview Dr. Hiroo Takayama, Chief of Adult Cardiac Surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, during the American Association for Thoracic Surgery conference. To see my interview with Dr. Hiroo Takayama about minimally invasive aortic valve repair surgery, please click here.
Many thanks to Dr. Hiroo Takayama for sharing his clinical experiences and research with our patient community specific to minimally invasive aortic valve repair surgery.
Keep on tickin!
Do We Need A Heart Valve Patient Cook Book?
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 15, 2023
I am LOVING all the great food recipes and ideas that are being posted in our online Community! In case you missed it, here are a few posts from the Patient News Feed.
Cathleen was one of the first patients to post with her colorful Avocado Smash Egg Toast recipe. She shared, “I love creating healthy comfort food for the heart. The more colorful your meal the more likely it is to be healthy. I hope you all like food posts! I created this long ago and I make it all the time! I had it today for breakfast!”
After Heart Surgery, I Have A New Scuba Buddy!
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 15, 2023
As many of you know, I loved Scuba diving before heart valve surgery. Thankfully… My heart surgeon, Dr. Vaughn Starnes, cleared me to Scuba dive after my Ross Procedure.
One of the key ingredients for a safe dive is having a trustworthy “buddy”. You never know what can happen underwater. So, having a certified buddy swimming next to you always helps mitigate any potential risks. That said, I am happy to report that Ethan, my 14-year old son, recently got certified. So, Ethan is my new, lifelong Scuba buddy. 🙂
“Which Tests Can Help Me Time Bicuspid Aortic Valve & Aneurysm Surgery?” asks Brad
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 10, 2023
As heart valve disease and aortic aneurysms can progress at different rates, I received a great question from Brad about the different tests used to time surgery. Brad wrote to me, “Hi Adam, I have been unexpectedly diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve and an aneurysm. My doctor told me I will probably need surgery in the next few years but was vague about when that would be. As you might imagine, I’m a little stressed out and worrying about the future. Are there any specific test results that will tell me when I should have surgery?”
To answer that question, I interviewed Dr. Ibrahim Sultan, who is a leading aortic valve and aneurysm specialist at UPMC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Click here to see my interview with Dr. Sultan about the tests used to time bicuspid aortic valve and aneurysm surgery.
Many thanks to Dr. Ibrahim Sultan for sharing his clinical experiences and research with our patient community!
Keep on tickin!
A Hearty Tomato Harvest?
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 10, 2023
If there is one thing that heart surgery has taught me… It is to “stop and smell the roses”.
I know that may sound cliche but it is 100% accurate. Prior to surgery, I struggled being present to all the wonderful things that life has to offer. So, in this second chance at life, I am committed to slowing down, being more available to those around me, and having fun with new hobbies. One of those hobbies is gardening. I started with roses. Now, I’m into vegetables.
Michele Returns to Pickle Ball After Heart Valve Surgery!
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: August 3, 2023
It’s my favorite part of running this website… Hearing from all the wonderful patients in our community! For example, I just received a fantastic email from Michele Marcus after our recent webinar.
46 Patient Questions Answered by Dr. Doug Johnston!
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Medical Expert: Doug Johnston, MD, Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Northwestern Medicine
Published: July 31, 2023
During our recent webinar, “The Lifetime Management of Heart Valve Disease”, I received 46 patient questions that we did not have time to answer during the live event. Imagine my surprise when Dr. Doug Johnston, Chief of Cardiac Surgery at Northwestern Medicine and the featured speaker of the webinar, typed up answers to each patient question and asked me to post them to help educate our patient community. Downright wonderful!
Question 1: Lisa asks, “My son has congenital aortic valve stenosis and had a bovine replacement 5 years ago at 28 years old. Will he be able to have valve in valve or easier surgery?”
In cases like this, we would usually look at the echocardiogram, CT, and the operative report to determine. 1 What size and type of valve is in place, and 2. what the size and shape of the root is. In many cases valve in valve will be an option. Redo surgery sometimes is a better option in younger patients depending on whether we are able to implant a bigger or newer generation valve. — Dr. Doug Johnston
Join 700 Patients on the “Lifetime Management of Heart Valve Disease” Webinar Today!
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Page last updated: July 28, 2023
[Saturday, July 29, 2023 Update: Our webinar, “The Lifetime Management of Heart Valve Disease”, was amazing!!! You can now watch a video playback or download a FREE eBook from this special event with Dr. Johnston and Dr. Logan at this link.]
Wow! The patient response to our webinar, “The Lifetime Management of Heart Valve Disease”, has been amazing! We now have over 700 patients registered for today’s special webinar at 6pm EST.
Here’s more good news… You have a few more hours to sign-up!
“Can Leaky Pulmonary Valves Work for the Ross Procedure?” asks Tim
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Medical Expert: Christopher Burke, MD, Cardiac Surgeon, UW Medicine Heart Institute
Published: July 20, 2023
I’m receiving lots of excellent patient questions about the Ross Procedure.
For example… Tim, a patient from the United Kingdom, just asked me, “Hi Adam – Congrats on a great website! I have a question about the Ross Procedure. Do you know if it is possible to do the Ross Procedure if there is mild leaking of the pulmonary valve? I know mild leaking of the pulmonary valve is very common. Thanks!”
Heart Health Awareness: Coronary Artery Disease & Heart Valve Disorders
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: July 18, 2023
Is it true that coronary artery disease impacts up to 27% of heart valve patients? Can coronary artery disease cause life-threatening conditions including heart attacks? Is it possible for surgeons to use minimally-invasive techniques to treat both coronary artery disease and heart valve defects in one operation?
To answer these important questions, I just interviewed Dr. Husam Balkhy, the Director of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Cardiac Surgery at University of Chicago Medicine in Chicago, Illinois. Watch my interview with Dr. Balkhy to learn critical information about coronary artery disease and heart valve disorders at this link.
Many thanks to Dr. Husam Balkhy for taking the time to share his clinical experiences with our community!
Keep on tickin!
Andy Posts First “5-Star Video Review” for Dr. Neelan Doolabh!
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: July 15, 2023
Since launching the Surgeon Finder at, I have moderated thousands of patient reviews for heart surgeons. I downright love seeing patients celebrate their surgeons.
Interestingly… Andy Teel, a minimally-invasive aortic valve replacement patient of Dr. Neelan Doolabh, just did something extraordinary. As you can watch below, Andy sent me our first-ever “5-Star Video Review” about his experience with Dr. Doolabh and the entire UT Southwestern team.
Clinical Trial Alert: New CardiaMend Patch to Stop Post-Op Atrial Fibrillation
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: July 12, 2023
Post-operative AFib is a BIG PROBLEM that impacts up to 30% of heart surgery patients. For that reason, I was very interested to learn about an innovative, new clinical trial evaluating the CardiaMend patch for the prevention of post-op AFib. To get the details about the CardiaMend clinical trial, click here to see my new interview with Dr. Robert Saeid Farivar.
Many thanks to Dr. Farivar, Saint Alphonsus Health and Helios Cardio for their work on this clinical trial!
Keep on tickin!
Top 3 Facts to Overcome Patient Anxiety & Fear Before Heart Surgery
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: July 11, 2023
If you have just been told that you need heart surgery, it is VERY COMMON to experience the emotions of anxiety and fear.
To help you, I just met with Dr. Marc Gillinov, Chairman of Cardiac Surgery at Cleveland Clinic, to learn what three facts he shares with patients BEFORE heart surgery to help them manage their fear and anxiety. Click here to see Dr. Gillinov dispel patient anxiety and fear before heart surgery.
Many thanks to Dr. Marc Gillinov for sharing his clinical experiences and research with our patient community!
Keep on tickin,
“What About Medications for Bicuspid Aortic Valves?” asks Tina
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: July 6, 2023
After being diagnosed with bicuspid aortic valve disease, patients often wonder if there are medications or drugs that can treat this common congenital form of heart disease that impacts up to 2% of the population. For example, Tina just asked me, “Hi Adam – Is there any medicine for the treatment of a leaking bicuspid aortic valve?”
To answer Tina’s questions and educate you about the use of medications for bicuspid aortic valves, I connected with Dr. Luis Castro. As you may know, Dr. Castro is a leading heart valve surgeon who has successfully treated over 200 patients in the community. To see my interview with Dr. Castro about bicuspid aortic valves, drugs and medications, click here.
Many thanks to Tina for her question and Dr. Castro for taking the time to share his clinical expertise and research with our community!!!
Keep on tickin!
Clinical Trial Update: New TriClip Study Data Released
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: June 28, 2023
As more-and-more patients are asking me questions about tricuspid valve disease, I want to relay encouraging news that recently came out of Euro PCR about the non-invasive TriClip device. The TriClip, which is being evaluated for safety and effectiveness in the bRIGHT Clinical Trial, is the first percutaneous device designed specifically for tricuspid heart valve failure.
Baptist Health Paducah Joins Our Community!
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: June 26, 2023
I am very excited to announce that Baptist Health Paducah just became the newest sponsor of