Surgeon Finder
Search Results
(11 Surgeons found)
Dr. Robert Saeid Farivar
Saint Alphonsus
6140 W. Curtisan Avenue, Suite 100
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 609-9355
6140 W. Curtisan Avenue, Suite 100
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 609-9355
Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy
The Mount Sinai Hospital
1190 Fifth Avenue
New York City, NY 10029
(516) 260-4180
1190 Fifth Avenue
New York City, NY 10029
(516) 260-4180
Dr. Craig Smith
Columbia University Medical Center
177 Fort Washington Ave
New York, NY 10032
(516) 614-6698
177 Fort Washington Ave
New York, NY 10032
(516) 614-6698
Rochester, MN (55902)
Indianapolis, IN (46260)
Ann Arbor , MI (48109)
New York, NY (10032)
Winfield, IL (60190)
Chicago, IL (60611)
New York City, NY (10029)
Hershey, PA (17033)
Long Beach, CA (90808)
Boise, ID (83704)
Cleveland, OH (44195)

Valve Repair
A valve repair is used to correct a structural defect in the shape and functioning of the valve. Valve repair can usually be done on congenital valve defects (defects you are born with) and has a good success record with treating valve defects. Procedures for valve repair include commissurotomy, valvuloplasty, reshaping, decalcification and patching.