Surgeons & Hospitals Blog - Page 3
By Adam Pick
Dr. Patrick McCarthy Is First Surgeon to Receive 100 Patient Reviews at HVS!
By Adam Pick on September 8, 2017
I am happy and honored to announce that Dr. Patrick McCarthy just became the first surgeon at to receive 100 patient testimonials at his surgeon profile!!!
Weill Cornell Medicine Launches Heart Valve Microsite!
By Adam Pick on May 16, 2017
I am very excited to announce that Weill Cornell Medicine (Weill Cornell) just launched a new Heart Valve Microsite at!
This 91-Year Old Patient & Dr. Mack Did What???
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Page Last Updated: December 30, 2024
One thing I love about being a part of this community is seeing and hearing wonderful patient stories. I often tell Robyn, my wife, I’m constantly “TMI’d” by this community. (So you know, the acronym TMI, in our family, means touched, moved and inspired. 🙂 )
Rush University Medical Center Launches Heart Valve Microsite!
By Adam Pick on September 29, 2016
I am very excited to announce that Rush University Medical Center (Rush) just launched a Heart Valve Microsite at!
WVU Medicine Launches Heart Valve Microsite!
By Adam Pick on July 21, 2016
I am very excited to announce that WVU Medicine just launched a Heart Valve Microsite at!
Sentara Heart Hospital Launches Heart Valve Microsite!
By Adam Pick on September 17, 2015
Earlier this year, I was very fortunate to tour the Sentara Heart Valve Center in Norfolk, Virginia. During my visit, I met several members of the Sentara team and filmed an educational video with Dr. Philpott about the concomitant treatment of heart valve disease and atrial fibrillation.
Minneapolis Heart Institute Launches Heart Valve Microsite!
By Adam Pick on August 18, 2015
I am very excited to announce that the Minneapolis Heart Institute at Abbott Northwestern Hospital just launched a Heart Valve Clinic Microsite at!
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Launches Heart Valve Microsite!
By Adam Pick on June 4, 2015
I am very excited to announce that the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) just launched a Heart Valve Clinic Microsite at!
Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. David Adams, Mitral Valve Expert, Harnesses Education to Improve Patient Outcomes
By Adam Pick on April 15, 2015
In 2009, after launching the Surgeon Finder, my inbox quickly filled-up with patient recommendations for Dr. David Adams. As I reviewed the recommendations, I noticed something… Every post was uploaded by a mitral valve repair patient.
Heart Hospital Tour: The Carilion Clinic
By Adam Pick on April 1, 2015
Two years ago at the TCT conference in San Francisco, I was very fortunate to connect with Dr. Jason Foerst, an interventional cardiologist that specializes in transcatheter valve therapy. When we met, Dr. Foerst was going through the process of launching a Heart Valve Clinic — which is no easy task.
Special Patient Video: What Do Christine & Pedro Have in Common?
By Adam Pick on March 23, 2015
[Update: Please note that Dr. Allan Stewart is no longer performing surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital.]
Carilion Clinic Launches Heart Valve Microsite!
By Adam Pick on November 20, 2014
I am very excited to announce that Carilion Clinic just launched a Heart Valve Clinic Microsite at!
Consumer Reports Releases 400 Hospital Rankings for Heart Surgery
By Adam Pick on November 19, 2014
Finding a great surgeon and experienced cardiac center is beyond critical for patients needing heart valve surgery. However, the process of acquiring trusted and reliable information about medical providers can sometimes be an uphill battle.
Video: Using Patient-Centric Care to Improve Surgical Outcomes with Dr. Davtyan
By Adam Pick on June 12, 2014
As we have previously discussed, the heart valve surgery process — from diagnosis to recovery — can be isolating for patients.
Dr. Allan Stewart Goes The Extra Mile For His Patients
By Adam Pick on June 2, 2014
[Update: Please note that Dr. Allan Stewart is no longer performing surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital.]
Ask the Expert: Safety, Technology & Heart Valve Surgery
By Adam Pick on May 6, 2014
As a patient, I distinctly remember the questions that raced through my brain when I learned that I needed open heart surgery. Those questions sounded a little something like “How do they fix my valve?” and “What will the recovery be like?” and “Will it hurt?” and, of course, “Is heart valve surgery safe?”
St. Bernardine Launches Heart Valve Clinic Microsite!
By Adam Pick on April 24, 2014
I am very excited to announce that the Inland Empire Heart & Vascular Institute at St. Bernardine Medical Center just launched a new Heart Valve Clinic Microsite at So you know, many patients from our community — including Fred Stieg, Eugenie Magana and Charlene Wasson — have had great surgical outcomes at St. Bernardine.
Bernie Marcus, Home Depot Co-Founder, Donates $20 Million To Launch Heart Valve Center at Piedmont Heart
By Adam Pick on February 4, 2014
Over the past 9 months, I’ve been very fortunate to meet several surgeons from Piedmont Heart Institute in Georgia. As you might recall, I recently attended a medical mission in the Dominican Republic with Dr. Federico Milla and Dr. John Gott.
Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. Hyde Russell Takes Care of Patients Aged 0 to 99
By Adam Pick on January 6, 2014
Since launching this website in 2006, I’ve been very lucky to meet and interview several cardiac surgeons. Interestingly, most of the surgeons I meet with specialize in valve therapy for adults. Every so often, however, I connect with a heart surgeon that is capable of treating patients aged 0 to 99… and beyond.
The Challenges of Adopting Transcatheter Valve Devices in the United States with Dr. Ziyad Hijazi
By Adam Pick on November 22, 2013
During the past 24 months, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two transcatheter valve therapies — the SAPIEN and the MitraClip — for select patient populations in the United States. While these FDA approvals represent significant progress in the adoption of transcatheter valve technologies, I’ve met with several physicians and patients who continue to be frustrated by the relatively slow path by which next generation devices becomes available in America.