Good evening Ken, thinking of you on the eve of your surgery. I know how much can be going through your head. Just remember how the statistics are way in ...Read more
Good evening Ken, thinking of you on the eve of your surgery. I know how much can be going through your head. Just remember how the statistics are way in your favor for a healthy and save surgery.
You're almost there and will be celebrating soon that it is over!! God bless.
Will be thinking of and praying for a successful surgery for you tomorrow. It’s amazing how time seems to stand still from the moment you’re rolled into ...Read more
Will be thinking of and praying for a successful surgery for you tomorrow. It’s amazing how time seems to stand still from the moment you’re rolled into surgery until you open up your eyes and it’s over. You can do this!~❤️
Hi Ken, lifting you up in prayer for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. We will be waiting to hear from you and welcome you to recovery. God bless you ...Read more
Hi Ken, lifting you up in prayer for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. We will be waiting to hear from you and welcome you to recovery. God bless you 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Deena Z Good evening Ken, thinking of you on the eve of your surgery. I know how much can be going through y ... Read more
Deena Z Good evening Ken, thinking of you on the eve of your surgery. I know how much can be going through your head. Just remember how the statistics are way in your favor for a healthy and save surgery.
You're almost there and will be celebrating soon that it is over!! God bless.
Dr. Luis Castro is the #1 patient-recommended heart valve surgeon at Dr. Castro specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.