after my mitral valve repair in 2011...sometimes my vision become like this and after a turn to migraine.. i search it in google it was migraines ...Read more
after my mitral valve repair in 2011...sometimes my vision become like this and after a turn to migraine.. i search it in google it was migraines with aura..does anyone have the same problem like me?..its so painful.. :(
Flo Em My experience is very similar to yours. And until now, I still have this kind of episode...although ... Read more
Flo Em My experience is very similar to yours. And until now, I still have this kind of episode...although not as often as it used to be. At random times, my vision gets blurry. My right eye feels like it's being blocked by a cotton ball and it lasts for a few minutes.
Ginger Marine I have visual migraines. Mine last 4-10 minutes with weird zigzag visual distortions,but never any p ... Read more
Ginger Marine I have visual migraines. Mine last 4-10 minutes with weird zigzag visual distortions,but never any pain. I have had them for about 3 years (way before my surgery). Eye dr is not concerned.
Ginger Marine I also have been having an eye get stuck looking at something while the other eye moves on. That star ... Read more
Ginger Marine I also have been having an eye get stuck looking at something while the other eye moves on. That started late last spring. I have been checked for myasthenia gravits (sp) but dr. is not really worried. It lasts a minute or so. I have found if I put my hands up as "blinders" the eye returns to work with its mate. Dr. laughs at that, but it seems to help.
Anis Suraiya does this problem common for us hahahaha..sometimes in the middle of exam the zigzag comes and i can' ... Read more
Anis Suraiya does this problem common for us hahahaha..sometimes in the middle of exam the zigzag comes and i can't write anything..
Sophia Ridley I have this (pre and post surgery - dr called it an optical painless migraine) for me it has two trig ... Read more
Sophia Ridley I have this (pre and post surgery - dr called it an optical painless migraine) for me it has two triggers... Eye strain or low blood pressure. I find drinking pint of water helps and changing my focus to relax the eyes. Its rarely painful but can make me dizzy. If is, then I take pain killers. As my low BP post surgery is getting less frequent then the migraines are too. Pre and post I have noticed a considerable correlation with hydration.
Worst one was years ago when my mind tried to wed the outer thirds of what I could see and miss out the middle bit. This corrected itself again with drinking water, think I went onto have a climbing lesson after!! Ginger - that's quite a trick :( Hope it doesn't happen often.
W. Carter I have had that for years in my right eye without the headaches. They usually only last about a minut ... Read more
W. Carter I have had that for years in my right eye without the headaches. They usually only last about a minute or so. The first time I had one it freaked me out, I thought I was going blind. They got a lot worse after surgery and now at 1 year they are sparse.
Wanda Mroz I had those before surgery occasionally. I've had multiple one after each surgery I've ever had. Mi ... Read more
Wanda Mroz I had those before surgery occasionally. I've had multiple one after each surgery I've ever had. Mine fortunately do not hurt badly but my vision gets distorted for about a half hour. I usually take a pain killer like Tylenol and some caffeine like tea or coffee and that helps. Sometimes light can cause it but usually it just comes and goes.
Worst one was years ago when my mind tried to wed the outer thirds of what I could see and miss out the middle bit. This corrected itself again with drinking water, think I went onto have a climbing lesson after!! Ginger - that's quite a trick :( Hope it doesn't happen often.