Steve Wykstra Well, all, close but exact cigar. It's actually a rather historic globe in a somewhat out-of-the way ... Read more
Steve Wykstra Well, all, close but exact cigar. It's actually a rather historic globe in a somewhat out-of-the way place --an exhibit on one of the floors of the main research library in Paris, the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, or BnF. I was hoping Rita would guess it (she lives in Paris!, but she doesn't hang out that much at the BnF.
The globe was, as I recall, made for Louis the 14th, the "Sun King". (Now I better go check my information on that).
Upcoming Surgeries
Kelly Whalen
Mitral Regurgitation
February 26, 2025
(Don't tell--just give hint!)
The globe was, as I recall, made for Louis the 14th, the "Sun King". (Now I better go check my information on that).