About Me (In My Own Words)
May 10th
I am Karsten Madsen a 31 year old professional athlete from Canada. I raced 7 years on Canada's National triathlon team. I was apart of two Olympic cycles but was not selected for the Olympics. I raced off road Triathlon and had a lot of success within. I have been top 10 at world championships 3 times. I won 6 Xterra Major titles. I'm sponsored by some of the best companies in the world for what I do. (Cringe, but want to give context to my level of fitness) Post Covid 19 I no longer race triathlon full time. I now just race bikes and Run and Online coaching company. But rewinding back I found out in 2019 I had a leaking Bicuspid aortic valve. At the time I was classed mild to moderate and my heart team cleared me to keep racing with the side note of telling me that in my 50-60 I'll need to get it replaced. I just need regular Echos. I went on that year to finish 8th At Xterra Worlds Championships. I during the pandemic delayed getting and echo done but felt great so didn't think much of it. However a voice in the back of my head started saying I need to get it done. I finally did and after waiting had mine, Dec 30th 2022. The new team I am working noted that i've now become moderate to serve. I now at this time April 2023 was feeling no symptoms at all. They told me this is due to my high functioning heart that it is strong enough to deal with the regurgitation. They recommended surgery. I was a touch in disbelieve even though it had already been put in my head...i just thought i would have so much more time before this. there reasons for getting it done were good and even told me that some cardiologist might have said get another echo in a year and come back. There thinking is however for me to get the surgery well I'm super young and before any symptoms come on. I agreed and they told me they would connect me with the right surgeon for me. I Chatted with the surgeon pretty quick on about options for me. I found out quick that Bio valve will not work. With the high function I have in my heart, I would need re-operation within 5-7 years. So Mechanical was what was suggested next. I am assuming I'll get the On-x valve as with racing bikes and wanting to return to that it offers a much safer level INR or 1.5-2.0 after 3 months.... However it just never felt like the right choice. I started researching harder and Found the Ross procedure (thanks to this website) So with this all being said. I likely wont have a surgery till Aug. I have become very nervous about working out and riding my bike even though I have the green light to keep active from all my doctors involved. I constantly now am worried about my heart and just wish I could have the operation so much sooner. I am working on my stress and trying to manage it and keep active to enjoy the time prior to surgery. I feel however that symptoms are starting to come weather thats in my head or true is hard to tell.
Aug 10th
Im thrilled I pushed hard to find someone who could do a ross or fix my valve. As I was much to close to a mechanical valve. I'm lucky so many people where willing to lend time to help me with the process of things and who to talk to. I have now found out I am a good candidate for a Ross! I have also got back to living my life again well waiting for surgery. I worked really hard at my mental heath and found peace within this process. I have also stopped asking questions to the universe that can not be answered. I firmly now believe there is amazing growth that can come from this. Im excited to report more about my recovery journey on the other side of this!
More Info About Me & My Heart
More About Me
I am from:
whistler, Canada
My surgery date is:
October 18, 2023
I was diagnosed with:
Aortic Regurgitation
Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Aortic Aneurysm
My surgery was:
Ross Procedure
My surgeon is:
Dr. Michael Chu