About Me (In My Own Words)
My story is that in March 2015 I went to the Liver Specialist for an enlarged Liver. It turns out I was in severe right sided Heart Failure. Dr. R.Oshea then sent me to the Heart Failure Doctor Dr. Corrine Bott Silverman who said I needed Open Heart and said "I don't do your kind of Heart Failure" "I am sending you to the Congenital Heart Disease Doc" So off I went to Dr. majdalany at the Cleveland Clinic. He ran a Cardiac Mri on Thursday May 28,2015. I got called on Monday June 1st to tell me the results. It showed a 6.8cm Aortic Aneurysm in the Sinus of Valsalva. I had two holes in the heart. It was considered a PFO. I then also had a bad Aortic Valve and a very bad Tricuspid Valve. So on June 9,2015 I had the big Open Heart Surgery. This was my third Open Heart. I was born with 8 holes in the heart, a huge VSD.
More Info About Me & My Heart
More About Me
I am from:
Norton, Ohio
My surgery date is:
June 9, 2015
I was diagnosed with:
Aortic Regurgitation
Tricuspid Regurgitation
Aortic Aneurysm
My surgery was:
Aortic Valve Repair
Aortic Aneurysm Replacement
Tricuspid Valve Repair
My hospital is:
Cleveland Clinic