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Mark Robinson from
Colorado Springs, Colorado says

OK, I've successfully completed the last big hump before surgery with

Meet Mark

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Richard Munson from
Massachusetts says

Titanium heart transplant in Australia is an amazing story. Talk about

Meet Richard

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Michael Ponzio from
Ronkonkoma, New York says

Well had pre-op appointments yesterday I think all went well. Blood

Meet Michael

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Peggy Peterson from
Lockport, Illinois says

I’m back. 11 days post full sternotomy to get a brand new porcine

Meet Peggy

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Hugh Martin from
Henfield, United Kingdom says

Exercise stress test on treadmill today to see how far I should 'push

Meet Hugh

Why Did Adam, A Patient,
Start This Community?

Why Did Adam,
A Patient, Start
This Community?

Adam Pick – Patient & Founder

As a double heart valve surgery patient, I'd like to personally welcome you to our online community of heart valve patients, families and friends!

After I was diagnosed with severe heart valve disease, I experienced several uncomfortable feelings including fear and confusion. I also felt a completely overwhelming emotion of loneliness. I didn't know anybody with heart valve disease. I didn't know what to expect before or after surgery. Deep down, I really wished there was some way I could meet, talk with, and learn from other patients. Community Members Meet In-Person

For those reasons, I started this community to see if any other patients and caregivers felt like me. The rest, as they say, is history. Today, I'm happy to share that this patient community is helping thousands of patients in over 50 countries around the world. To join us, click here.

Keep on tickin!

Adam Pick
Patient, Author & Website Founder

Heart Valve Patients Connect At Hospitals

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Heart Valve Patients Connect At Hospitals