Think about you often, especially since I posted on Fb our breakfast get-together at Tohono Chul 2 years ago! Glad you're past the 2 yr. anniversary, but sorry ...Read more
Think about you often, especially since I posted on Fb our breakfast get-together at Tohono Chul 2 years ago! Glad you're past the 2 yr. anniversary, but sorry to hear the problems with some slow healing after the sternal operation, but you sound as though you are avoiding having moments when you wonder what to do. Busy life indeed.
Amy Steele Susan!... How are you doing? I've seen Vonnie several times recently and she's doing well. Definit ... Read more
Amy Steele Susan!... How are you doing? I've seen Vonnie several times recently and she's doing well. Definitely some ups and downs in my recovery process, but doing much better now! You're right... I don't have a lot of time (or any) to wonder what to do. My list is always there and very long. I don't know if Vonnie told you, but Cinda left the church suddenly late last December to take care of her dad which left an opening for a new admim assistant at the church... and that would be me! I seem to be filling my time rather well as the duties of a stay-at-home mom diminish with one in college and the other a senior in high school this year. Are you planning any trips to AZ? If so, would love to see you!