I am 50 y.o. and active in sport.I have Mitral valve repair on 14 Sept. 2023: minimali invasive, 5 sm. insicion trough right side of the ...Read more
Hi Laurent,
I am 50 y.o. and active in sport.I have Mitral valve repair on 14 Sept. 2023: minimali invasive, 5 sm. insicion trough right side of the chest. Recovery is not easy, but already walking 5 km. daily, of course have a tiredness, etc. If you tell me your LA/LV dimennsion, probably will be able to predict if reapir is possible. Surgery is not a fun, but it is not a torture. Problems are two:
1. To get sucessfull reapir.
3. To get gull recovery.
Pain is not a big, but cause sleepless nigths and shortness of breath (when try to move as usual: stairs, brisk walks, etc.), which is much more dificult.
Thank you for your message. I was following your progress on the site these last weeks ;-)
A nurse told me once : 1 month to live quite normally, 2 to feel almost the same as before, and 3 to get better than before surgery. So I guess you are on schedule ! ... Read more
Thank you for your message. I was following your progress on the site these last weeks ;-)
A nurse told me once : 1 month to live quite normally, 2 to feel almost the same as before, and 3 to get better than before surgery. So I guess you are on schedule !
My surgeon is 90% confident about a repair, and I have no other choice than trust him... he will proceed the same as you, via the right side of the chest. Back-up is a biological valve.
I am now spending busy time with family in Portugal, but when I come back, I will be scared to death. So thank you again for your feedback. Wish you the best for your recovery
Svetlomir Ivanov Thank you, do not worry, the surgery was not so big problem, after that have some dificult time, but ... Read more
Svetlomir Ivanov Thank you, do not worry, the surgery was not so big problem, after that have some dificult time, but you will cope with these dificulties. Do you know Left atrium and Left vetricles sizes, they are wrrithen in echocardiocraphy report? I was very scared that I would wake up with breathing tube with my troat and would not be able to breath, but reality was that I barely noticed this tube and the nurse immediatly pulled it out. Pay attention, I am not able to tolerate at all anything like that. When is the surgery?
Hi Laurent. I am 51 and also facing my Mitral Valve repair soon. I agree - so much anxiety! Do you have a surgeon and surgery type picked out yet?
Laurent G Hi Alexander. It will probably be a video assisted minimaly invasive surgery (right thoracotomy), don ... Read more
Laurent G Hi Alexander. It will probably be a video assisted minimaly invasive surgery (right thoracotomy), done by hand, as daVinci robots are not widely used in France. I was also told you are longer on heart-lung machine with robot than with hand, especially for complex repairs. I guess it is a lack of experience.
What about you ?
J Alexander Lassally Hi ! Happy to fill you in... I am thinking sternotomy for now - still considering Davinci. There ar ... Read more
J Alexander Lassally Hi ! Happy to fill you in... I am thinking sternotomy for now - still considering Davinci. There are long wait times for robot - and you are right, long bypass times which is not good for brain. I think the thoracotomy is more evolved in Europe. Please email me: alassally14@gmail.com ( I used to live in Geneva - so a regular in France!). J.A
If you are having your surgery in Paris, the Mitral Foundation web page might still provide you some useful information in what to look ...Read more
If you are having your surgery in Paris, the Mitral Foundation web page might still provide you some useful information in what to look for in a Medical Center.
Rita Savelis Hôpital Georges Pompidou, a large public teaching hospital very well known for its cardiovascular de ... Read more
Rita Savelis Hôpital Georges Pompidou, a large public teaching hospital very well known for its cardiovascular department, would probably be able to direct you towards one of their surgeons with Barlow's experience for your mitral repair.
Laurent G Thanks Rita, I will check the HEGP if I can get a second opinion. I just read your story, and I'm ... Read more
Laurent G Thanks Rita, I will check the HEGP if I can get a second opinion. I just read your story, and I'm really impressed and admirative
I had never even been close to being in
a hospital. The sickest I had ever been
was with the cold or flu so when I learned that I needed heart surgery it just
seemed impossible especially given that I was asymptomatic. I just tried not to think about it because I was overcome with anxiety when I did. I didn’t fully accept that it was real until
the night before the surgery.
Perhaps the most important thing you
can do (if you have not found the web page already) is research the Mitral Foundation (mitralfoundation.org) Reference Surgeons
and Reference Centers. From the Mitral
Foundation web page look at Find a Recognized Center which will list all of the
Reference Centers and the Reference Surgeon/s at those Centers. The requirements to be named a Reference
Surgeon and Reference Center are very specific.
Also look at Reference Center Qualifications. You’ll find a surgeon who not only does a lot
of this type of surgery each year so they have dealt with many nuances but must
has a proven record for outcomes.
The first Reference Surgeon I contacted
was very experienced but left me feeling like nothing more than a number. There
are many Reference Surgeons but Joanna Chikwe was the one for me because I
could tell during the consultation that my emotional wellbeing was just important
to her as my physical wellbeing.
Laurent G Thank you very much Terri for your time and advices. I know what you mean about accepting the fact ... Read more
Laurent G Thank you very much Terri for your time and advices. I know what you mean about accepting the facts ... it's going to be a long nightmare until day 1 ... at least. Finding the good place is indeed difficult, and I even considered travelling to US as the robots are not much used yet here in France for cardiac surgery. When I got an estimate of the bill, I reconsidered the good old manual way :-) Have a good day, and keep us advised of your recovery !
Dr. Luis Castro is the #1 patient-recommended heart valve surgeon at HeartValveSurgery.com. Dr. Castro specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.