About Me (In My Own Words)
I am the mother of five young children, ages 8 and under. I have always had a difficult time during pregnancy, a lot of breathlessness and fatigue. But that was considered normal for pregnancy.
The breathlessness during pregnancy got worse every time, until this last pregnancy I was unable to even lay down flat without running out of breath or waking up gasping for air. I finally went to the hospital, where they told me "It's just how the baby's lying."
I asked them to do an echo, and they found a severe mitral regurgitation.
They took the baby by emergency Csection at 37 weeks. She is a beautiful, healthy baby, and is five months old now.
In September, I was sent for the pre-surgery tests, but the regurgitation only showed up as moderate, not severe. The surgery was cancelled, and my cardiologist is now sending me to another surgeon for a second opinion.
More Info About Me & My Heart
More About Me
I am from:
I was diagnosed with:
Mitral Regurgitation
My surgery was:
Mitral Valve Replacement
Mitral Valve Repair
My hospital is:
Kingston General