About Me (In My Own Words)
Just beginning this journey. Schedule for a heart cath on November 16 at Providence Hospital, Everett but I am also trying to make an appointment with the UW Heart Institute if possible to discuss my situation with them.
I now have an appointment with the UW Heart Institute. My cardiologist will be Dr. Chung. Not much on the website about her, but I will be looking forward to speaking with her come November 9.
After meeting with Dr. Chung at the UW Heart Institute, I am now scheduled to meet with Dr. Burke. He is the cardiac surgeon at UW Heart Institute that specializes in the Ross Procedure. This meeting isn't scheduled until January 9, 2023.
I had my heart cath on November 16th and it seemed to go without any complications. Dr. Wuthrich indicated that my arteries looked clean. The hardest part was laying on my back for 6 hours following the procedure.
Well, I was a little wrong about everything going without complications with the heart cath. I have been experiencing leg cramps and toe numbness when walking for the past 2 days. Today (11/23/22) I went in for a CT. One of the findings was that I have a slight tear in my iliac artery. Spent 5 hours in the ER only to be sent home on the hopes that it clears up on it's own. We will see.
It has been awhile since I posted... It is now April 5, 2023... I have had the messed up artery in my leg repaired via stent... I am scheduled for SAVR on April 13th... Tomorrow I go in for a final echo to confirm that I in fact need the surgery as I continue to be asymptomatic...
More Info About Me & My Heart
More About Me
I am from:
My surgery date is:
April 13, 2023
I was diagnosed with:
Aortic Regurgitation
Aortic Stenosis
Bicuspid Aortic Valve
My surgery was:
Aortic Valve Replacement
My surgeon is:
Dr. Christine Chung - Cardiologist Christopher Burke - Surgeon